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Everything posted by RazorOwnZ

  1. I was playing on the server US 2755 for around an hour and a half and saw some guy named Colin running around sniped him with my M24 then the zombies finished him off. After that went into town hit the store got a tent went outside of Elecktro to set it up and I was messing around with the Map settings and got kicked for a script restriction. I don't know what caused it but after I got kicked I tried to get back on and I got this message below. I would like to be unbanned from this server because I had a good connection and not many players on, (The way I like it :D) Time it happened: 7:40PDT Name: Razor
  2. New Private Hive! I have finally got my private hive set up and everything is working. Anyone can come on and I would like to see this server become active :). If you would like to join the server name is "US 1996 AZ Private Hive ( | 3rdP:off | CH:off | Tags:off | - hosted by Kyle". I suppose I will see you there :). My server is on a very nice system listed below. 8 Cores 8 Gigs of Ram 1 Terabyte HD 100MB Network If the server isn't showing up in DayZCommander try searching for the players below: Old Wise Man mikey The Zarikai
  3. RazorOwnZ

    Swift Gaming's private HIVE!

    Don't play on this server! They use scripts!
  4. RazorOwnZ

    Admin Abuse On US 2755

    Did I say you knew what a script was? No. I said you can't even tell if something was scripted or not. Nice try ;). Cute, another attempt to make me look bad with no name but some text. Keep on trying it's adorable.
  5. RazorOwnZ

    Admin Abuse On US 2755

    @Large, you obviously have the wrong guy, you do realize out of over 1 million players there could be another Razor? Got the wrong one bud :) @Reality, no big deal just wanted to see your idiotic replies, they make me giggle. You are truly a bad excuse for a Server Admin can't tell what is scripted and what isn't. Tsk Tsk.
  6. RazorOwnZ

    Admin Abuse On US 2755

    That's cute how you have to resort of making some bullshit story up without some proof. I don't even have TS installed lawl. Sad kids running servers these days dont know when to ban a hacker and a legit player. Take this server down! They abuse their powers!!!