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About thefish

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    On the Coast
  1. thefish

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    While I like most of the changes and I appreciate what the devs were trying to achieve (and for the most part did) I just wish for some consistency with the Infected agro range, I can be crouch walking through a village, getting pretty close to a few grab happy guys and they won't care but suddenly from half way across town a friendly little cuddle monkey will come sprinting down the road to introduce himself, even from behind buildings making line of sight impossible and if it was noise why only one zombie who's so far away compared to the others?... Anyway it wasn't such a big deal before because they were so easy to lose but now that it's pretty tough to do so without forcing them to walk through a building (which I hate to do because it feels so cheap) It just ends up being frustrating, running through the forest trying to shake him off without even the benefit of an axe to get him off my trail. So to sum up my feelings on the patch I really like the new loot spawning, zombie knock down and infection chances, on the whole it feels much more tough and gritty, more like a survival game. But I strongly dislike the agro range (still) feeling random and the bloodhound tracking.
  2. thefish

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    still having server dependent fps issues with, I haven't been able to play properly since 1.5.8. Initially I thought performance was related to the number of people on a server and/or the number of zombies as servers low on these would often run fine in 1.6 however I've just tried to play on a server that had <5 players on and was showing around 30 live zombies and less than 50 dead and had worse performance than ever, setting everything to lowest didn't gain even a single frame out in the middle of nowhere. played comfortably on medium/high settings back in 1.5
  3. thefish Performance Drop

    I have yet to use a flare, the problem is continuous and fairly consistant since the 1.5.8 set of updates. regular ARMA2 and DayZ 1.5.7 worked fine.
  4. thefish Performance Drop

    still getting this too, it's fine on near empty / freshly restarted servers but gets unplayable fairly quickly.
  5. thefish

    Build Hotfix

    I'm suffering this also, for me it seems to be affected by the number of players on the server - my performance is more or less the same as it's always been when there's less than 10 players but any more than that and my fps starts to plummet with it becoming unplayable at more than 15. I've been getting by with hopping around the more empty servers but with the mod as popular as it is they don't stay that way for long.
  6. thefish

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    personally I don't mind the bandits, ok so it sucks to get killed by a 'friendly' but I enjoy the feeling of paranoia and tension you get out of the system. My first character fell foul of a bandit near the coast within an hour or so but I adapted my play style to compensate, I moved away from the rather naive 'oh look a survivor, I'm sure he will help me' and now I avoid human contact as much as possible, watching them loot villages and farms from the tree line until they leave then pick through what they have left. I still find more weapons, ammo, and supplies than I can carry, I have a watch, compass and map, even matches. only thing I'm looking for is a knife but I'm bound to find one eventually, on an unfortunate survivor or in a loot drop that hasn't been pillaged. besides I get a perverse satisfaction knowing that the people I am watching and often following have no idea I am there, I imagine it's something similar to what you bandit players feel like when you take a virtual life. The real difference being I settle for knowing that I probably could if I wanted to and I will admit I have been tempted once or twice when I have spotted some good loot but seen or heard someone coming so I've left it.
  7. thefish

    Winny changes

    doesn't seem too much different to me as far as stopping power goes, still kills Zs with one shot to the upper torso/head at close to medium range. it does alert them at a seemingly much greater distance but I like the change, it feels more appropriate considering the sound we hear is pretty loud. And it still fits my play style as a (so far) entirely non pvper, I only shoot if I'm either at range or in 'oh shit' moments when I've already accidentally alerted the friendly little cuddle monkeys.
  8. thefish

    Zombie spawning issue in the new patch

    I've noticed something similar in my first couple of hours with I was approaching a barn in the middle of nowhere to take shelter from the rain, observing carefully for a minute or so from a safe distance I figure there's only 2 maybe 3 Zs in the vicinity and decide to get a touch closer and take them out at range, the thing is every time I dropped a couple of them a few more spawned in the area around the barn, right in front of my eyes - in the end I estimate 15 completely dead undead with a handful still milling around outside. but at least I'm out of the rain. it looked to me like it's possible that if you're sitting around near the edge of the spawn radius the system gets confused and continues to spawn Zs as though you're approaching the area - I could be completely wrong as I have no idea how the system actually works but that's how it seemed from my observations as they continued to spawn a couple at a time even when I stopped shooting but this behaviour ceased as I moved closer.