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Everything posted by Bental

  1. Fear not, all banditry scum who read this. Rocket already made it clear that bandits will not be punished in any way, shape or form. If you want to play with friendlies, make friends with people in spawn areas to show your friendship. Perhaps they won't shoot you later on down the line? And stop with the changing numbers of zombies thing. I swear that comes up in every 5th thread! There's nothing wrong with the numbers. If you discharge a rifle in a town or city, you'll know very quickly how many zombies are around you. The answer is: a lot
  2. Bental

    more realistic zombies

    If there's more zombies, what's the point of ammo? It's already tricky steal thing through a town, and for me, 4 crossbow bolts is going pretty thin. And if they're zombies or infected, it's like arguing grey is a shade of black or white. It's the same thing FFS. I'm not sure about you, but I'm dn certin a .45 from 5m is going to leave a nice big hole in any chest, dead or alive. Please remove na82008's post, its more troll bait than anything and completely counter-productive to the discussion. And I'm sorry, but this suggestion really sounds like a "Please change it to accommodate my style of play".
  3. Bental

    outfits + outfits + outfits

    Double post sorry... Couldn't see edit option. Rocket also said about identification when asked at the Rezzed Q&A. I woul expect different costumes later on down the track, a fiction system and/or identification system.
  4. Bental

    outfits + outfits + outfits

    If its to do with the different models preventing backpack from showing (with gillie), perhaps someone should just retest ire the PMC skin a bunch of times. Shouldn't be too difficult to do. I'd love to distinguish my friends. At the moment, all I have are my aviator sunglasses... Itd be a nice thing, but I'd assume the team is far too busy with other things right now.
  5. Bental


    Agree with jesquick. Got to draw a line somewhere. DayZ isn't supposed to be forgiving. It's a cruel, merciless sadist that will punish you for a single error in judgement. If you dare to make a mistake through no fault of your own, prepare to buy new orifices.
  6. As said above. I had to refrain from some crude remarks then, but honestly... I work 8 hours a day. Would it be fair if the only hours I had available happene to be at night? Think a little harder.. Instead of a single time zone, they could have an additional time if it was that important. Server time and dayz time. But even then, I can't think of a single use for it.
  7. Bental

    GROUPS!! We NEED groups!

    Of course., Idunc. But then in real life, you don't all wear the same clothing, and it's very easy to instantly recognize a face. Everyone looks very similar here, especially with so few people changing their looks. Occasionlly someone has a different coloured shirt, but mostly is black or white. Personally, I wear aviators, but still my friend freaks out when I pop up an he wasn't expecting, instead screaming out "DUDE IS THAT YOU"
  8. Bental

    How to Get Rid of Alt F4

    What happens in the case of random disconnects? Time outs? How can the game differentiate between force quit and sudden drop out? I think 10 seconds or so where player remains ingame is good though. It's not too long and hopefully will fix it a bit, whilst players crawling through a zombie infested area and dropping out hopefully won't be penalized too much. Unless perhaps the server can ping the users IP to determine responsiveness; time outs should be non-responsive. Maybe instead of quit, it's a disconnect button which forces your character to crouch for 20 seconds (WoW did it). Prevents server hopping a little bit. Unless that button is pressed, combined with the connectivity test, could be able to determine of a player fled or dropped out...
  9. Bental


    I'd normally agree with you Eagle. Immersion and or fun should not be sacrificed by realism too much. That said, bones are currently glass. Falling off a single story roof shouldn't break a bone with a bit of fall training. Hell, getting hit once from the front has broken my legs somehow. Bandage are at least beleivable. However I have difficulty with this. Defibrillators would have zero use. Do you understand what they are for? Cardiac arrest. Fibrillation of the heart. Arythmia. They attempt to restard hearts in spasm or irregular beat and have no use for a heart that has stopped beating. Only CPR is any use for a still heart. BF3 is a great game, but DayZ prides itself on elements of realism. This is just a bit too far fetched sorry. Although, an option to attempt CPR on a very recently dead corpse would be good. Bring them back at very low blood and unconcious. And I mean recently dead. And I mean a slim chance. Brain damage from lack of oxygen sets in within minutes.
  10. Bental

    New infected.

    When I opened this thread, I was thinking "Oh gosh another L4D inspired thread". But this idea seems sensible. +1 to this. And yes the dynamic zombies would be rare/select spawn locations.
  11. Bental

    Please wipe everything

    I think a wipe after every patch or update would be an an idea. Clear out that damned wire barricading
  12. Bental

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    Rocket already addressed bases. In hs recent Q&A at Rezzed, he talked about underground bases, that would become instanced. It's a long way off though. There are more important things to be done. That aside, this idea in itself is pointless to suggest now. If it were even considered, it would take a lot of work, and plae at the end of the to-do list. Ps: if you own a gun in real life, I ask you to fire 1 round into it, anywhere. Or a computer. Please tell me how well it works afterwards. None of this *requiring grenades and rockets to destroy* Lastly, yea, plant and forget sentry guns exist. But you got to remember the people with access to this stuff are heavily financed and supplied. It takes very specialized equipment an know how to set these things up. You think that by finding a camera, a few PC cards and a gun will be enough to cobble one together? As for finding prototype weapons lying around, I'm sorry but that made me laugh. The thought of some military engineers and technicians taking their pet turret out into the wilderness for a picnic and then forgetting it? I'm sorry, but I can't see a viable option to implement automated weaponry here. What I'd like to see is further development into camouflage techniques.
  13. Bental

    -=Starter Classes=-

    Still no. He actually used direction as a direct example. He wants real life skills to be transferrable into the game. So, if you want to be good at orienteering, learn to read the stars, sun, or terrain on a map. You can easily learn to find north, though finding yourself on a map takes practice.
  14. I hope they fix this too. Hear flies everywhere but no loot. And, I salute you! I don't know whether you have banditry intentions, but stalking noob-snipers is an honourable mission!
  15. Bental

    Game Map, a new world

    Personally, I dont know when Rocket would be planning a unique map, but as a mapper myself, it would take a long time. IMHO it would make more sense for him to get this game polished first before thinking about taking other people onboard to help with the project. My reason being as soon as other people become involved, they feel their opinion is more valid, and will sometimes attempt to throw their weight around to get a change to be made. This is just my thought and may be very wrong. Also, for a decent building to be made, modeled, built and textures (with working doors), it could easily take 50 hours to do, from beginning to completion, for your typical medium yeild house. Then it's not just making the building, it's making sure its scaled properly, fits in to the surroundings. Creating terrain isn't too bad, without looking at ARMA's editor I can't speculate too much though.
  16. Bental

    suggestion: starter packs

    Simple answer, people are rude and bitchy because they are passionate and opinionated. This is a unique situation where an excellent mod has been opened to the public for constant feedback during development, and people see it as an easy way to have their own ideas come o life. It would be even nicer if you could just use your hatchet from your tool belt. Doesn't that make realistic sense? Can't use axe because it's clipped to my belt. Oops
  17. +1 Yes. Zombie killed players would be cool if they roamed where they were killed with all their loot.
  18. Bental

    Anti bandit /camping joe measures

    A heavier mist in lower altitude to mess with snipers would be cool.
  19. Bental

    Shit/Piss System

    Anyone serious about their angry denials seriously needs to check themselves. Damn that was a good laugh.
  20. Bental

    A reason to LIVE!!

    Join my group, I usually do Aus servers. I see no point in Random Death Matches, and instead seek to assist every person I come across.
  21. Bental

    I feel guilty..?

    If you feel bad, I'm starting a faction. Angels of Mercy. I hate PKing too. I'll never initiate hostility.
  22. Swear I saw it some where... Might have been a different post. My bad. Doesn't matter, it was his earlier post of "Get used to it" that annoyed me. My point is, in the real world I still highly doubt people would act the way we see in game. A few people would be psychos. Sociopaths would have a great time. But please remember that the way people act in an on-line game such as this is vastly different compared to the real world, where there are consequences beyond a couple of hours re-gathering your lost items. [This again assuming that a zombie apocalypse is actually possible]
  23. Yes! I'll post yes in every damn thread if I have to! 10 slot quiver in the tools section is the way to go! Other than that 1 slot in regular inventory makes sense!
  24. Bental

    Boiling dirty pond/lake water.

    A portable has cooker! This is an awesome idea! Limited use, deploys like a tent. Maybe take up 3 spaces (wood pile is 2) and allows you to boil water or cook food without smoke. Find it in deer stands and residential housing. I haven't found any rivers in Cherno yet. They'd have potable water. As far as ponds go, still water contains very nasty bacteria like meningitis. I said somewhere else that an enema is the only way to safely consume dirty water without requiring hospitalization. Pond water filled bottles should really be Water Bottle (Unboiled). If you have a pan in your tool belt, the option to boil water appears. Pump water though, people drink that all the time.
  25. Bental


    Love this idea. 2km is generous in hilly terrain or cities. Perhaps HAM radios could be another option? Takes another slot but would have huge range. Like, whole map coverage. Since they'd be relatively useless, I imagine it'd take low priority, but if you could tune frequencies and talk to strangers all over the place, it could add another level of fun in. I know I'd love to sit on a tall building finding people to chat with.