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About iShrooMs

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have no Idea I just jump in whatever server I find first lol I know I will eventually die. I am using DayZcommander to find servers. is there one you recommend?
  2. that's awesome dude thanks, really appreciate it
  3. thanks dude, I actually just pressed the prone button (similar to other games no need for a brain there) and read the controls info tab when you press esc, but im still lost. for eaxmple i press M for map and nothing comes up just a dark screen with an interface on the top left side. am i suppose to find a map first?
  4. Hello everyone, New player here. I have been playing for a couple of hours now but still don't have any idea how to find weapons. I have been running around for hours and all i could find was Gas, Glass to make repairs, bandages, food, and ammo. 0 guns. I wanted to ask the community for help, maybe i can run around with someone or a group while showing me how to play and what to do, maybe even join the group and help the team. I am pretty good at following orders, never liked being a leader on any game. My steam name is maybello7. send me a message, btw I work from home so most of my day is playing video games and I want to make DayZ my most played game. :)