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Everything posted by Ericuk

  1. I've noticed that some servers are quicker to join than others. As someone who is often killed, quick loading servers are much better than long ones. Are there any active ones people may recommend? Thanks
  2. Ericuk

    Faster servers to join?

    many thanks everyone. Very helpful responses! :-)
  3. As a new player, nothing exciting has happened. I've never found a gun, it seems all buildings i try are closed, I get instantly chased by zombies. It's too hard! I need some help big time! My Skype is eric_norman :-)
  4. Ericuk

    What am I missing here?

    You guys sure know your stuff! Many thanks for the responses.
  5. I'm a noob to gaming in general really and pretty much suck at the moment. Im only able to play for a couple of hours, some evenings, and it would be great to have a few contacts that I could catch up with and join in game now and then. I've got to the point where playing alone is either too intense and difficult, or I wonder into the woods and nothing happens for 20 minutes and the game becomes boring for me. The idea of teaming up sounds really cool and i had my first taste of it tonight. I've only just started to figure out Mumble, but I've also got skype: eric_norman No offence to young people, but i'd prefer to join adults. Look forward to meeting some of ya'll in the future! ciao :-)
  6. I'll add you fedone, I need all the help I can get :-) I think I've got steam now everybody "ericuk1" Hope to see you all soon!
  7. Many thanks berns, I'll check that out Monday eve and add everyone from this post :-)
  8. Many thanks berns, I'll check that out Monday we and add everyone from this post :-)
  9. Thanks for the replies guys. I hope to meet up with you all at some point in the future! I can can only get online a few nights during the week, probably mon, tues, thurs. other nights I'm with the girlfriend. I don't have steam or really know about it.... Is it something I should get? Also what's the best chat software to use while in play? I've used mumble, but I'm up for anything that's simple and reliable :-)