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About KingCow

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  1. So do we have a rush of trolls or is it just the same person over and over making new accounts and threads?
  2. KingCow

    Trading Post, volunteers required

    This thread is going to end in rage and hilarity. However its defently worth trying a trading Post in my opinion. Who knows it might inspire rocket to help make things like this more feasible.
  3. KingCow

    Barracks Spawn needs tweaking!

    There is so much wrong with this post. You crashed a server while loot dropping to force respawn? Even doing that in the best location for loot its STILL not enouth for you? And its not fast enouth.... You are unhappy that you do not get ''epic phat loot'' almost all the time? I'm not sure dayz is the mod for you friend.
  4. KingCow


    open inventory>walk around with inventory open while you spam place tent>should work This can cause a bug however with tent duplication.
  5. KingCow

    The "I know that guy" visual system

    I'm here to show my support for this idea. Although its not a priority I think.
  6. At the moment there is not very much to do other than shoot zombies or each other. Most of the game revolves around pointing gun and shooting or getting to that point. After you get a car, some ammo and a decent gun or even a mythical nv. Whats left is to hunt other people/gangs. The problem is you can get everything you need from spawns you do not NEED anyone else, anyone else is just a liability, threat or going to steal your loot. If things you need or want can only be gained from teamwork with other players then this could change. I guess im talking about somesort of deep crafting system? Maybe even something longterm like farming. Even as a alpha with the limited systems we have now I still see a lot of team work with people in small gangs and many 'noobs' on the coast in chat working together.
  7. KingCow

    Dayz merchandise?

    (T-shirt wearer): "friendly?" T-shirt wearer was killed
  8. KingCow

    Sirisma's Compiled Mod Suggestion List

    TURNED SURVIVORS: TURNED SURVIVORS SPORTING GUNS: These depend on how the zombie disease actually works. The players all might be natually immune. Other wise I like the idea of extra pack space and radio ideas at the end. The rest are mostly balance issues which will be ironed out as the mod progresses.
  9. I have also been trying to place a tent for ages with no luck, even if I get the animation to work it still does not place a tent. This might need its own bug report thrad. I did post something here; http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1494&page=2
  10. KingCow

    lockable doors and the axe.

    Yes sephirotic maybe barricade would be better. Zarlaks comment also made me laugh. I can picture fun moments where a bandit is in a panic trying to bash down a door to kill a survivor and get into cover before the noise brings in the zombie rush.
  11. KingCow

    Tents dissapear again

    Hi I'm unsure if I should make a new report thread but it might be related. Problem: Unable to place tent. Few reports of other people having the same problem. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1362&page=16 Date/Time: May 22 What happened: Unable to place tent even if animation and sound starts to activate. (it is extreamly hard even to get that far) The tent is not placed and message about needing open area instead appears. (even though the process started in the same place) Have spent over an hour trying everywhere open and flat in a huge area. Twice I have got as far as the animation. Where you were: Large open flat field What you were doing: useing new inventory system to place tent *Current installed version: Build Hotfix
  12. KingCow

    Tents & Vehicles General

    It does seem a bit strange. Maybe I should make a post about this in bug reports or trouble shooting?
  13. Probably we will soon have a axe or hatchet item. I assume if rocket can make trees an interactive item he can do the same with doors. Perhaps it would be fun if we were able to lock doors to hide loot and so on inside. (maybe with a rare 'key' drop or lock pick?) Perhaps different buildings would require seprate keys and we can collect them on a keychain, which can be looted naturally. Military keys would be very rare and only found on military zombies... If we really want to make the mod balls to the wall hard every building could start locked on a server reset. The axe could be used to break through locked doors. It would also be nice to have the option to booby trap the door with a grenade. (and string/wire?) Clearly this idea would work better if more enterable buildings are made. Although it could still work as the map is now if a axe and or lockpick can be used to open them and assuming most people have one or both. Breaking down a door with a axe would make a lot of noise.
  14. KingCow

    Sad bro you had to lock it

    Interesting username that kid has.