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Everything posted by fyrefyghter

  1. Fyre checkin in.... DayZ has come a long, long way since back in the day-z, lol. Now its time for you to get back into the game or maybe you are a player that wants to be on a winning team when you do play.... either way TAW is where you wanna call home. If youre an honest, rule abiding gamer that wants to play in a drama free environment with other family oriented players, and you can commit a few hours every week to the cause... then what are ya waitin for? Click the link above and tell em youre ready to join and have a great time on a great team!! Drill instructors standing by... Fyre checkin out!
  2. fyrefyghter

    Game Server

    Announcing a Grand Opening Special Price!!!!!!! I am offering to the first five server rentals an additional promotion. The first five server rentals will cost ONLY $20 for the first month AND get a FREE clan website for the first month. So, what normally would cost $30 for the first month, I authorize for $20!!!! After the first month, the same package (server rental/clan website) will go back to the price of $30. THIS SPECIAL PROMOTION IS FOR THE FIRST FIVE SERVER RENTALS ONLY!!!!
  3. fyrefyghter

    Dayz+ hosting providers?

    So, no clear answer? My crew is currently renting an SS DayZ server, they do not have a stright forward answer to when they will be getting it either. So my crew plays on someone else's server. If we can rent a DayZ+ server, please tell me where to go. We are waisting $35/monthly for a server that barely worked even before we became addicted to +, lol Fyrefyghter (Dr.Who1968) Fyrefyghterlyfe@yahoo.com
  4. OKay SS, we just had several players attempt to log in to the server you say you can play on.......... When anyone tries to log into the server, we are all getting the following disclaimer.... "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff." You have NOT responded with ANYTHING about the bans, although I know how to unban, but it keeps putting the bans BACK IN after I save the db and deleted the bans!! Do something about the lack of action on your part Ryan. RIGHT NOW!! WE STILL CANNOT GET INTO THE SERVER. And BTW, we have to provide protection for YOUR server? You are telling me to rotate between my player's computers to have Gotcha antihax on them so our server can be protected?? SERIOUSLY, that is crappy to do to a customer.... "SS provides the servers but is gonna leave the protection of the server up to you, the customer????? This has gotten VERY ugly and all you have to do is provide the kind of service you brag about on your website and in here................. Unless you are already providing the $35 service we should expect. I REALLY want to believe in SS, despite the crap I read and see, and have experienced. Help me to believe in SS Ryan, please??
  5. Just so everyone knows, they ONLY HAVE THREE employees, the owner (Ryan) and two others. They cannot "afford" to pay more people to work. Hopefully they start using some of the KKKKKs they make monthly and start putting it towards a better company and a reliable product!! I've been locked out of my own server for three days now (are they getting me back in, NO.), as long as the $$$$ rolls in monthly, they don't care about anything else!!
  6. Getting the same error message today............. Have had others from the server getting the same, "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff." The more things change, the more they stay the same? LOL Oh well, Ive been locked out of our server for two days already, Im almost cured of my addiction, cold turkey style!!
  7. Have you seen their forums, I was just on there YESTERDAY looking for help to problems and upgrades.... USELESS!! Tutorials section is EMPTY!! 10 hours!?!?!?! I've been locked out of my own server for 24 hours because I yelled at them in a support ticket and hurt their feelings, so they retaliate by NOT helping. I sent this to them ticket @0928 YESTERDAY "Now I get this.... You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (DayZ Anti-Hax (Object Access Flooding))) What is that and why am I getting it?? Also, I have tried MULTIPLE times to set the server to 24/7 daytime I have it set to time "static" or "dynamic" (either one with the time set as "always daytime" and NOTHING works, Yes I saved it with the server stopped.... One more item, we have set restarts @0400, 1000, 1600 and 2200.... NONE OF THEM ARE RESTARTING, could you please advise us on how to ensure these work? Ken" It is almost 24 hours later and NO RESPONSE OR HELP YET, maybe before all the players leave our server????? It is Tuesday, where is the new tool?? You guys talk a real nice game, but offer nothing in return. THREE PEOPLE CANNOT RUN A COMPANY I ASSUME AS BIG AS YOURS!! HIRE MORE PEOPLE AND MAKE IT WORK!! I have to go in DAILY or more and re-add destroyed vehicles in because they do NOT re-spawn for days on their own with server resets, even when you set their tool to re-spawn chance of "1" which means every time!! That's right, the server is not auto-restarting as scheduled, my bad. So ultimately, my crew is supporting me by playing on other servers, we pay for one but because I cannot get in and play, we have to resort to playing on someone else's server. I'm SO GLAD I PAY $35 for them to host and manage my server for us............................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they read this, they will retaliate by leaving me locked out of my server. BUYER BEWARE!!
  8. fyrefyghter

    Talking to other players

    Empty soda cans and whiskey bottles are TRASH. You can drink ANY soda or find a water bottle. In your inventory, if the water bottle has water it will be a normal icon. If the water bottle is empty, it will have a red circle with a line diagonally across it. Empty water bottles can be refilled at water pumps or lakes. You CANNOT refill a water bottle at the shoreline of the ocean. As someone else said, liquid replenishment is by water or soda.... Hope this helps =)
  9. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    CYA..... hurry up and uninstall DayZ, don't care about you anywho......
  10. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Tents do not "save", at least you cannot "save old camping tent", and YES I use it. I stock up various places around the map, so I have things hidden in case I die I can find (hopefully) one of my tents with some basics already stocked. Also on tents, I cannot "pack" one up after it is placed.... Empty or with items in it. Other than these items, game working much better. Thanks Rocket and crew....
  11. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ummmm, I dont know, because in first person, you are zoomed out and cannot see your "arse"!!!!????
  12. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    ON EVERY SERVER I GO TO.... I GET THIS.... Files “c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\bin.pbo” , “c:program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\languagecore.pbo” are Not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys ANYONE HAVE A SUGGESTION?
  13. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Any clue/help anyone?
  14. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Well, maybe a new kind of fooked? Im not all good yet, now when I try to join a server even with the new update to match mine, it says.... Files “c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\bin.pbo” , “c:program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\languagecore.pbo” are Not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys
  15. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    ZED? What is that?
  16. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Worked perfectly, now I am UN-fooked, lol. Thank you. BTW, I have been playing solo (since friends are all doing the GW2 thing). Anyone want to hook up in game?
  17. fyrefyghter

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So, when I updated through DayZ Commander.... Now it states the following.... "cannot delete existing dayz path". So now I am fooked, cannot play at all. Would someone help please, thanks. Fyrefyghterlyfe@yahoo.com
  18. Tents are NOT working!!!! I have four tents in my campsite. I work hard to fill them and EVERY-FRKN-DAY I log on and they are EMPTY!! C'mon, Rocket, do something. Wipe everything out. I would GLADLY start at scratch and know that my efforts are worth it. My friends are all playing Guild Wars 2, and I stay with DayZ, the fun is RAPIDLY going bye-bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My tents sure stay in place....... JUST EMPTY AS HELL!!