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arZak (DayZ)

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Posts posted by arZak (DayZ)

  1. At least for me, problem is solved:

    Respawn/gear loss only happened when I started DayZ from scratch - when relogged from the lobby it never occurred.

    It seemed to me that the character request to the server overlapped somehow with loading of the map/DayZ-files whatsoever.

    Since - I have preloaded chernarus map by adding -world=Chernarus as launch parameter before connecting to the server - it never happened again.

    Kind regards

    Maybe a little premature, but since then, no respawn anymore. Many thanks!

  2. Same here... about 5 times within 2 days - thats really annoying. For clarification: It is not the "stuck on loading screen" bug followed by just spawning at the beach with all your stuff. It happens right after login without any delayed login procedure or forced closing of the game. Any ideas how to avoid this?
