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Alfie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Alfie (DayZ)

  1. Alfie (DayZ)

    A Server Plan

  2. Alfie (DayZ)

    Extra features for Server Hosts

    Now this looks very cool. Cheers for the post.
  3. Alfie (DayZ)

    FPS Sucks on DayZ Servers

    Just be patient. Rocket now knows there's an issue so hopefully we'll see a fix within a few days.
  4. Alfie (DayZ)

    Request: Allow Bans for Death Dodgers

  5. Alfie (DayZ)

    FPS Sucks on DayZ Servers

  6. Alfie (DayZ)

    Request: Allow Bans for Death Dodgers

    It depends what your definition of game breaking behavior is. It's most likely the same as mine and the majority, but for Joe down the road he may take it to an extreme. I mean this Joe guy might think a survivor randomly shooting another survivor without any real reason is "game breaking", so he starts banning people left right and center. My point being that some people are nutty and just aren't in the realm of the sane so they need X Y Z outlined in thick writing. Granted, you could just go find another server but the devs have got a crap ton of server requests, so they can make us jump through hoops which is somewhat problematic at times. Anyway.. Rocket from the limited contact I've had seems to be a reasonable guy, so if you've got a good reason for banning someone, then I wouldn't be worried as he doesn't like bs. At the end of the day you can just unban them if Rocket really has a big issue with it and just don't do it again. They just don't want admins going rampant banning because someone killed them, and the problem is there are admins that have done that and still do that (a minority make it a pain for the majority).
  7. Alfie (DayZ)

    More than 50 slots?

    I asked the question before via email. This was my reply: Due to potential stability issues, I decided against changing the 50 player cap. Am planning on putting up another server on the same box instead with permission from DayZ ofc.
  8. Alfie (DayZ)


    This.. well, until you fall down a cliff. :) I love night time, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it being pitch black sometimes. You could argue that the day/night cycle should be quicker, so 3 hours for day, 3 hours for night (or something like that), but the night time currently IS realistic. Just wondering, have you ever been in a forest (in R/L) at night when the clouds have hidden the moon? You can't see past your nose, seriously. If there's no light source, you can't see. That's just a fact. So claiming it's not realistic isn't right at all. You do however get a little bit of light from the stars, but once again, it depends on the weather. The question is, should a realistic aspect like this be used in this mod? Or should nights be more brighter so you can actually function at night time without spamming flares / using a torch just to move forward. The thing is, you may not of noticed but tonight the night time was really black (not sure if all servers share the same weather patterns or what, but I was on UK6). I was playing during the day before it went night and it was extremely cloudy. It wasn't raining, but it was very very cloudy. So presuming at night time it doesn't just go "lololol weather night switch" then that's why it was so dark, simply because the moon was covered up by the clouds. Whereas last night, the moon was out and it was a lot easier to actually see what the heck I was doing when I wasn't out in the forest areas. So the weather effects the night (which is realistic). Plus there's the moon cycle which is thrown into the equation too. I do love games that have more advanced weather systems. As far as rain goes, it's the same again. But if it's raining, and presuming this game does follow a realistic weather pattern, then there's going to be clouds most likely blocking out the moon a lot. It's a bitch but it's pretty cool. I wouldn't mind a faster day/night cycle maybe so you wouldn't be stuck in night all night.. but other then that I wouldn't want them to really change how dark nights can get. It's based on the weather and the moon. If the moons not out, you'll seriously find it hard to move around. But if you've spent any part of the day time well, you'll have a compass so even if you get lost at night, you can just slowly start crossing back south, till you hit the sea. Then you can work your way to a town and go from there. That's what I was forced to do tonight. Anyway, just my two cence.