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Alfie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Alfie (DayZ)

  1. Alfie (DayZ)


    This should answer your questions: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5780&page=2 The rest of the thread is very helpful too.
  2. Alfie (DayZ)

    "Waiting on Server Response"

    I restart the server and the hive within every 8-10 hours. Usually this works fine for me.
  3. Alfie (DayZ)

    Do the Dev's Ever Respond?

    They're incredibly busy and drowning with requests. I also have been trying to get another server up but have not had any replies yet either. Just be patient. You can keep sending emails, but it won't make them answer any quicker. Best thing I can recommend is maybe try and get them on IRC, but pretty sure everyone is flooding them there too.
  4. Alfie (DayZ)

    ADMIN ABUSE [Don't Know where To Post This]

    I'd put it down to a hacker claiming his the admin, but who knows. Maybe another rogue server..
  5. Alfie (DayZ)

    [UK6]Coalition of the South forming

    Interesting.. Now I know to stay low if I see you guys coming :P
  6. Alfie (DayZ)

    Server Chat/VOIP Etiquette?

  7. Alfie (DayZ)

    [Idea] Server Admin Forum/Mailing List

    I'm not part of it either, but the ideas suggested in the OP are good imo.
  8. Alfie (DayZ)

    The Problems With Tents

    I can also confirm this. :(
  9. Alfie (DayZ)

    [v] Tent Unable to be Placed

    Confirmed. Though to add to this, there is a dupe with them that allows you to dupe tents. If a dev wants to know specifics, please PM me.
  10. Alfie (DayZ)

    Location no longer saving

    I haven't experienced it myself, but a few friends who logged off during then came back on ended up randomly spawning on the coast instead of where they had originally been. They kept all their stuff though. After they died later they've been spawning normally. But many others have been complaining about the same thing even after respawning. We're also running Hive 9.1. Not sure if it's the hotfix, the hive update, or the issue with "database corruption" from a rogue server that was mentioned on your twitter (as some of my friends were trying to login when this was happening, and after it happened they respawned randomly). Could be such a variety of reasons...
  11. Alfie (DayZ)

    Do non-PK servers exist?

    The way I look at it is the players are the danger, not the zombies. My fun is the threat of players. Zombies are easy to dodge (well, unless it's pitch black :P). I think if there were more incentives to be a survivor and not kill other survivors then they'd be less "bandits". Personally, I would never play on a server without PvP. And tbh players are easy to avoid too. You've got to be very patient and play smart. Avoid big towns, ram-sack small ones. Don't rush around, check every corner. Always check your back and every corner. Being paranoid is a good thing. It will keep you alive.
  12. Alfie (DayZ)

    SERVER OWNERS: Download new HIVE 0.9.1

    Done. What have you changed? :P Edit: Interesting. It connects alright but no players are being processed... Edit2: Seems to be working fine now.
  13. Alfie (DayZ)

    Can't start my server.

    Np, happy hunting.
  14. Alfie (DayZ)


  15. Alfie (DayZ)

    Can't start my server.

    How did you download your arma 2 and arma 2 OA files to your server? If you were unaware you need to download the actual Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA CLIENT GAME files to your server (the same you have on your home PC - the files the staff gave you will not run a server on their own). Can explain that further if need be, but don't want to waste the time walking you through that if you've already done it. If you have already done that (have to ask to be sure), then you need the server dedicated executable. I believe it comes included with the retail copy of the games. If you have the steam files, then you need the dedicated server file for OA (ARMA2OASERVER.exe) which can be obtained through Steam if you have a steam version by going to your library, tools, then Arma 2 OA dedicated server, or something along those lines.
  16. Alfie (DayZ)

    Can't start my server.

    Add on the next line of your .bat startup the following word: pause Save it then run it. This will stop the window closing instantly, so you can see the issue. If it's closing instantly then I'd guess it would be that the .bat can't find the arma2oaserver.exe, or there's another error. Can't be sure.
  17. Alfie (DayZ)

    Can't start my server.

    Presuming you're running the start_DayzServer.bat the staff gave you, and also presuming you're running it out of the directory your server files are in (ARMA2OASERVER.exe etc) or you've changed the .bat to point to the right place, then can you be more specific? When you launch the bat does it just open a black console window that instantly closes? If it doesn't just popup and instantly close, then what onscreen information is given? What text is inside your .bat launch?