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About oneshotkiller50k

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. oneshotkiller50k

    Graphic Issue

    this only happens to me when am near military areas e.g tents and just now i have rage quited xD cause i was searching tents with the screen bugging then a zombies attacked me and cause i couldn't see the zombies killed me and i got so far with decent stuff so please sort this out.. its making the game hard to play
  2. oneshotkiller50k

    problems with randomly dieing?

    its hard to tell but it is really unfair i had to kill survivors to get fuel for that Ural and i work hard to keep it going and keep up with the loot and then all sudden boom taken straight off me you know just with no way off fighting back cause its like he pressed a button that killed me on the spot
  3. i was playing on server UK123 and i just randomly died and had my ural stolen off me... and before you good probably a silenced sniper rifle.. then explain how i died every time i spawned which was 5times then i was able to eventually not die when i spawned.. and reason i know my truck was stolen x=cause i got a lift of someone on a motorcycle to where i died and it was gone the main problem is i looked into it and it was either a hacker or a admin being jealous because i had decent guns (AS50, M21 aim, PP19) in my truck with a load of ammo, food and soda along with medical supplies and i hope who ever runs the whole things see's this and contacts me cause like i said either you got a dirty admin who uses the power of his position to take stuff from other people and make it easier for him or there was a hacker. so please reply.. special if this has happened to you?