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About Pat_the_Bunny

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Pat_the_Bunny

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Forum Name: Pat_the_Bunny Game Name: Pat_the_Bunny Age: 25 Gender: Male Mic: Yep Play Style: Passive as a loner, but in a group of competent players I tend to be a thrill seeker. I'll be the one to run head-first into hail of bullets to revive a teammate, or aggro a group of zeds to draw them away. Humanity (Number or type): 2500 How long have you been playing: Roughly two months.
  2. I've tried both and still get kicked.
  3. I haven't played in a about a month because I wanted to wait until I got a mic to communicate with, which I finally did, and so I decided to give the mod another go. I updated using the DayZ Updater and downloaded the most recent beta patch(94700 I think), but when I try to join any server I get kicked while I'm still in the lobby. My only guess is the beta patch may have something to do with it.
  4. @CrissCrow It's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be; this is mostly bandwagon complaining. You'll get shot by people, but as long as you don't stick aound the coast and make an effort to communicate with people the going should be fairly friendly.
  5. Pat_the_Bunny

    Passwords for tents

    A bit off topic, but I always thought it would be neat to set tents in fire.
  6. Pat_the_Bunny

    make the crossbow 1 hit kill again for zombies

    I agree with Chickenfeed. I love the crossbow, and I do believe it needs some work, but one shot kills is too much.
  7. Pat_the_Bunny

    removing bandit skin transition is a fail

    No one want to die. Ha, fair enough. I should have elaborated a bit. I don't understand why people think that just because you can't distinguish one from another now that they have to shoot everybody. The people who are willing to help outnumber those who don't, so not everyone is gonna blast you stright away, and having the attitude that they will is what's driving up the PKs.
  8. Pat_the_Bunny

    removing bandit skin transition is a fail

    Why are people so paranoid?
  9. I agree!! Look at the Call of Duty series, it blew up with Modern Warfare, but died off pretty quick after that...
  10. Pat_the_Bunny

    How to stop people from playing Day Z

    This is pretty much the attitude you have to have if you plan on enjoying thsi game. A large majority of us have been in the same boat as the OP, and it is frustrating, but calling it quits for good is a bit of an over reaction.
  11. Ha, I like that you hide behind the "This is just my opinion" line, but come off so matter of factly in the rest of the post, such as, "The majority of people who actually play this are most likely scrawny, weak teenagers or morbidly obese. No, I'm not trying to offend you. Just stating a fact." To the point though, I disagree that new players are raging away from the game because of the player killing; some without a doubt have, but I get the feeling a good percentage of the new players are coming to the game solely for the ability to run amok and have almost no penalties for doing so. Is it the way people would actually behave in situations like this, not really, but that's the fun of playing game.
  12. Try going prone. I've had similar issues getting things out of the outhouses and this has worked so far.
  13. Pat_the_Bunny

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    As in DC abusers will stick around for a bit?
  14. Pat_the_Bunny

    Wanted! dead Bandits

    Not a bad idea. What server is this?
  15. Pat_the_Bunny

    Implement a currency item such as gold coins.

    We're all survivors now