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jabberwock (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jabberwock (DayZ)

  1. jabberwock (DayZ)

    So what should I do now?

    Play until a random event takes your life.. like crawling next to a tree, or a makarov shot knocking you out. Then you get to do it all over again!
  2. jabberwock (DayZ)

    [SA] Seeds

    Yes.. DayZ needs shrooms!
  3. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ - A Bullet To The Leg

    So then I need to ask... why? Why re-upload it under your own youtube account?
  4. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ - A Bullet To The Leg

    repost.. from forever ago or you recreated it almost exactly http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98449-i-pulled-a-shane/page__hl__shane :facepalm:
  5. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Found a DayZ public hive with AI players

    I stopped watching at "hecka stupid"
  6. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Hostage Situation - Gone Bad :(

    Tell your friend to AIM FOR THE HEAD! xD
  7. Every time I've done this it has killed me instantly.
  8. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    The things that need fixing are core ARMA 2 issues I feel.. like trees, random shit breaking your legs, FPS issues. Also getting KO'd or broken legs on the first contact with a zombie really kind of sucks.
  9. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    quiver = win
  10. jabberwock (DayZ)

    10 Dumb Ways to die!

    I bumped into a fence opening with my blue van yesterday. Blew the front tires and red engine. I get out and start to run away then I die as the thing blows up. I was going about 7km/h and had been alive for several days. Yay survival.
  11. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ Roadkill - Video

    Should have gotten in it when he rolled over you :)
  12. jabberwock (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Pic, kinda looks like the ordenary dayz.......

    Look at the way textures and objects render at distance, there's more noise. If the noise/detail carries over to player models then maybe players won't stick out like a sore thumb past 100m.
  13. jabberwock (DayZ)

    What Camo is this?

    KSK Scout on Wasteland uses this skin too.. by far my favorite skin.
  14. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Welcome to Arma 2
  15. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Boat Thief video

    awful :(
  16. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Dayz Standalone - Noticias e Comentarios Br

    the fuck is this shit
  17. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Sniper. 900 metres, moving target

    as50, no beans I was on Taviana last week with a cz550... dude was running just where the buildings were rendering and I was on a mountain. Zeroed for 8, aimed way up... like halfway down the thick bar, the bullet landed within inches of this dudes face against the wall he was running by. Perfectly timed shot but 1 or 2 pixels on my screen too far ahead.. I was disappoint :(
  18. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Holy handgrenade

    thread of the year! link pasting of the year!
  19. jabberwock (DayZ)

    How I stole a LittleBird

    Yeah someone steals my helicopter and I stand there and watch him take off. Fake and desynced. No beans.
  20. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Herbert the Pervert Plays DayZ

  21. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Truck Pickup

    no beanz
  22. jabberwock (DayZ)

    ALT+F4ing after death

    Combat logging was fixed? Oh yeah?
  23. jabberwock (DayZ)

    A short video; Me dying in suspicious ways..

    I would turn off the music
  24. jabberwock (DayZ)

    Most intense firefight of my life

    i am not impressed by your performance
  25. jabberwock (DayZ)

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    10 is too many. I'd be happy with 3. Please fix the damage though... 1 shot to incap, 3 headshots to kill is dumb.