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steak1986 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by steak1986 (DayZ)

  1. Ok so there i was 6 day survivor. I was at the deer stand SW of Berezino, only me and one other person in the game. I was prone in a field, when all of a sudden shots just start to rain down. I start my roll maneuver, but i was killed before i could find anyone shooting at me.

    Afterward i went looking for an abandoned server, couldn't find a day server, so i went back after 20 mins. I spawned at Balota and raided the airfield. then as i was walking in an open field to chernogorsk, i hear a bus and see its lights. Immediately i hit the deck to let it drive by without incident.

    The guy starts honking and pulls up, and types "get in." He wound up giving me a coyote backpack filled with a m4 silenced with m203, also an amazing sniper rifle. He apologized for killing me, i thanked him for the stuff. Then disconnected as quickly as possible.

    Very Bizzare

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