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Everything posted by Biglet

  1. Bandits! Would you act like this in real life? I mean, if society crumbled, would you really hamstring your fellow man for a steak or a few rounds of ammo? Would you kill them in cold blood for the sake of it? No, seriously. I'm curious, from a sociological point of view.
  2. If Daz Z were real, where would you draw the line between surviving and banditry? Is it okay to stalk known bandits and steal their stuff?
  3. Biglet

    Survivor Morals

    Tougher to be a survivor then? If you guys hadn't noticed, I've posted a similar question in the bandit camp: the general response is "I will kill you if I think I can profit from it/get away with it." But it gets more complicated for survivors with a code of ethics.