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About Danfen

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    On the Coast
  1. This. The fire bug is one I remember from Arma 1 (quite a few times the Airfield would be covered in flames from an old shot down Jet :P). Afaik, it's just a graphical bug that occurs occasionally, and apart from the FPS hit shouldn't have any impact on the game (i.e. no damage/health loss). Of course, the 'huge metal object' could have still been the cause of the original fire that resulted in the glitch, saying that though, are you sure the object wasn't something such as a destroyed helicopter? (such as one of those they hacked in )
  2. Danfen

    Spawning at coast

    The fact that I played before hand is nothing to do with it. The mod actually made me reinstall the game after a 2 year break (clan problems left me with a sour taste about it overall)... What I am against is people who think that...or seem to think that...the mod IS the game, and so slate, complain or wish to try and push changes to either the mod or the game due to bugs and features that are either, already a part of the game, or introduced with the mod. Lets take the OP in this thread...complaining that the Mod was even released in Alpha. No one forced him to download the mod, and no money 'should' have been lost by playing it, 'unless' they only bought the game to play the mod, and so has no reason what so ever for the butthurt attitude. By releasing it in Alpha, it allows the mod to be developed with a much wider range of feedback and easier bug testing. Just look at Minecraft for a VERY successful example of a game that followed this method.
  3. Danfen

    DayZ Stories

    It was roughly around Midnight, no moon up and pitch black. I had just managed to sneak my way through Chernogorsk gathering supplies and had arrived on the Northern side of town, when on the global radio information came through from a 2 man party making their way from Kamenka up north then to Bor, a small village to my North west. Now, at this moment in time, I was classed as a bandit to the civilised world, due to a little incident where I returned fire on a survivor and ended up killing him. Even though I try to stay out of trouble still, the incentive to give them a scare is too much, so I make my way quickly north west, sprinting through the cover of forests while using no flares to stay completely hidden. By the time I get to Bor, the information coming from the radio leads me to believe that they have already passed it and are on their way to Zelenogorsk, so I make my way north with haste, hoping to get my chance while they are looting the town. However, shortley after heading out, new information comes through that they infact only just reached Bor, so I set myself up on a small raise at the corner of the road heading north, watching directly down the road. I have also placed two chem lights on the road hoping to cause as a distraction. It is not long until a light appears in the distance, and 2 figures appear on the horizon running down the road, 1 holding a flare. They reach the chem lights and stop, at which point I throw a flare down on the road from my position. They jump off the road and put out their own flare, however my own still illuminates them. They scream out whos there, scanning the grass side looking for me. I make my intentions known on chat that I was simply teaching them the dangers of being so public about their actions, and make my way down the hillside with my gun lowered. I speak to them, and it comes to light that they were running out of flares (no pun intended :P ), so I procede to drop them another set of 10 out of my spares. While the trade is taking place however, with the flare still illuminating us, sniper shots ring out, 1 first taking out one of the party of two, and another hitting me square in the head, still looking in my backpack. As I lie dieing, I see the final survivor running off the road in to the dark, sniper shots still ringing out trying to hit him. On respawn, we got to talking. It turned out I wasn't the only one with the plan to intercept them, only where I had peaceful intentions, the sniper obviously did not so :P It was just an unlucky coincidence that we laid out traps in the same place, and sheer luck for the sniper that we left my flare lighting up the area. With his positioning and the speed they were running at first, he most likely would not have managed to kill them had I laid my trap elsewhere.
  4. Danfen

    Spawning at coast

    Well, I suppose it's good at least then that you didn't have to pay for the mod, eh? :P Oh wait, I'm guessing you're one of the ones who heard about it, paid £25+ on a game with known bugs anyway, to play an Alpha build of a mod? Either way, no sympathy...
  5. Danfen

    Swimming bug?

    It is a feature from the original game, and series if I remember correctly (can't remember if OFP had it, but Arma 1 did as well)