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About dredge

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. dredge

    US 137 TG clan server. TROLOLOLOLOL fun.

    The TG servers are never reset to avoid anything. The person in charge of Tactical Gamer itself plays and has a very strict stance on the game and the server. It only goes down every 6 hours as a "refesh". It is never taken down unless there is a major problem. Don't just assume that it was. If you have a problem with the way the server is run stop by our forum and let us know. www.tacticalgamer.com
  2. I don't know if it pisses me off but I do laugh. Watching the same 10 people connect and disconnect every few mins. Keep at it buddy! The server will crash and then you can join.
  3. dredge

    cant join a server

    make sure you are running all the correct addons, and are updated all across the board. Do you use the launcher to join the servers? If so try doing it manually.
  4. I haven't had a problem. Just be careful swimming, and dont put more stuff in than you can hold.
  5. dredge

    Lowering your weapon

    As Flarin said, double tap ctrl. You can't do it with pistols though.
  6. dredge

    =[DR]= Deserted Renegades

    And the TG guys love rolling with yall! We have been doing great things.
  7. dredge

    DayZ Stories

    Howdy all! Figure I would make my first post a cool little story So I started out near Cherno and decided to link up with my buddy who was all the way up in Berezino. I went to some of the northern most buildings to see if I could find supplies, once I entered I found another survivor with a CZ who decided I was too close to his safe place. He fired a round that hit me pretty hard, and I emptied my 1911 into his chest. Of course, because I am such a lucky person, there was a zombie AA meeting going on just outside the front door. So they all started to pile in, much to my horror. I got in the prone and watched the only door in, and began popping heads as they entered. Once the wave was over I began to loot the place quickly to get out of Dodge. I took as much off of him as I could, stocked up on several blood packs, matches, hunting knife, some ammo. I had no food, and no pain killers left as I had to try and patch myself up after my encounter. But wait! I am in a multi-story building. There must be a stash in some of the other rooms. I have a look, find some useful stuff and start making my way back out. But now I hear footsteps in the room I had just defended myself in. I walk in slow, screen grayed out, vision blurred; and get a glimpse of a human shape bent over the bodies of the Zeds I had killed. Already just about dead (3000 or so blood) I decided to not take any chances. I fired fast and prayed I hit. The body fell over, and I realized it was another player. I had just murdered another survivor out of fear and panic. I had no time to really mourn, so I checked his pack and grabbed a few supplies. I didn’t take any of the “good stuff” because I hoped he would come back and be able to get some of his kit. I felt that evened me out morally. Then I began walking East, crouching, crawling and avoiding everything I could. I got most of the way to Berezino and ran into a problem. I had a town in front of me. While this might not seem like a problem to most, you have to remember I am very low on health and can only make out the North, East, South, West, points on the compass I had acquired. I couldn’t see the mills that were keeping me heading to my buddy. After a few minutes of debating and questioning myself I decided to go for it. I crawled through most of the town and just as I was clearing the outskirts I ran into a Zed around the corner of a shed. Of course he yelled for back up so I stood and began to fire what I thought were my last rounds among the living. Surprisingly I held my ground and dispatched all those who wanted my brains. I turned around, spent 4 minutes moving my head up and down trying to get a glimpse at my compass (now down to 2400 blood) and decide I am as close to the 040 heading as I am going to get. I get all the way to Polana, and call my buddy up. I tell him where I am, and that I have taken refuge inside of a house and have begun to pass out at regular intervals. No food, no water, and no meds I sit and wait. 30 minutes pass and he still hasn’t left Berezino, and I can hear the shuffling and moaning all around. It is only a matter of time before they find me, so I decide to risk it. I leave the house and begin the slowest and most heart pounding section of my trip. After a bit of time I manage to make it to the wood line over looking Berezino and I tell my buddy my approximate grid. We begin walking towards each other but he still can’t see me. As the screen was as grey as it could be, vision so blurry I couldn’t tell tree from Zed I decided it was bright enough outside that I could get away with lighting a flare. At least he would be able to find my body. I threw the flare and I then I hear the most amazing thing. He says he can see it and is close by! He runs up and puts the flare out, and walks me into the wood line for cover, I don’t care I’m just happy to not be alone. I give him a bag of blood and we each give the other a transfusion and then begin our own little quest to lookt Berezino. Had the most amazing time last night! Love this mod.