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Everything posted by seife

  1. seife

    Dont get attached to any character

    The game starts getting fun if you're attached to your character. :)
  2. seife

    Zombie children, too much?

    This. I live in Germany and USK (our rating for games) is kinda strict in terms of violence. Infected children wouldnt be very helpful for a release here. €: I also dont see a point in making infected children. Would be cool, sure, but I never missed them.
  3. seife

    Ping too high

    DayZ kinda internet hungry compared to other games. When I play myself I get some really bad lags in cities with many zombies due to the fact that zombies are computed on the players PC and their actions get uploaded to the server. So if your connection is slow enough you're not really able to play dayz without a very high ping in some situations. Search a server without ping limit and you will be fine. My connection: 50kbs down; 8kbs up. Not even worth to be called DSL, lol. @guys with nice connection above you may not believe but there are ppl outside your sweat home that dont have access to a fast connection.
  4. seife

    Night time should be toned down

    I love playing at night as it is now. Just make flashlights more useable and it's perfect. If you get used to it it is great to play in the safety of the darkness also w/o NVGs.
  5. Yeah, like the title says. Looked at the infos today when I jumped into the game and noticed that my public hive character is exactly 70 days alive. He's pretty much geared up (MK48 from NWAF, M107 + NVG from a chopper crash and all the other goodies). I killed one person who must have stolen my pick up (and a friend today accidently :P). This guy went almost everywhere on the map, I played sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. Well, I didnt play every day but there are some hours in this character. I'm roleplaying with this guy since more than two months but what now? btw sorry for my english
  6. seife

    70 DayZ alive.

    Yup. I avoid shooting in cities if not necessary. Guess I'll make some sight seeing trips with my mate and hope to get into some action more central in Chernarus.
  7. seife

    70 DayZ alive.

    Zombies? About 330. Players? 2, one of these by accident today.
  8. seife

    70 DayZ alive.

    I think I'll give them to a friend then but I'm quite happy I found them after 55 days or so. Playing at night time mostly.
  9. I got some tents that never were detected (as far as I can say from the stuff inside). Thought the spot was pretty obvious but it seems like nobody looks there. Pretty nice spot and enough room for at least 3 tents.
  10. seife

    My DayZ review

    Imo a simulation is still a game. But I agree with you as you say the controls are not clunky. You can feel the movement of your character and this is what is achieved by these "clunky" controls.
  11. Just go on and find some more. I found 2 heli crashs when I started playing DayZ and havent seen them since 2 weeks ago. 4 Heli Crashs in this time, none of them had loot. Half an hour ago I found one with NVGs, Ghillie, M107 and FN FAL though. Depends on your timing, if someone else was faster.
  12. seife

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    Indeed. It's great that the game gives so many possibilities.
  13. seife

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    Why must he PVP? One can try avoiding PVP situation and when it comes down to PVP he can decide to run, to give up or (like you and me would) to defend his life. DayZ gives you the opportunity to play like you want. Playing CoD on Arma Engine - Check. Playing Hello Kitty on Arma Engine - Check. Everything in between - Check. :D
  14. seife

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    I'm playing since 3 months or so and I killed only one time (that guy stole my pickup and hid it in the woods.. >_>). Most times I just avoid other players. It's not I am not ready to kill someone in this game but I just want to handle it like I think it would be appropiate in this setting. Killing to survive, killing to defend what is yours. Playing for fun wouldnt be that appropiate imo.
  15. lol. I guess it will be just your character standing around and poking in his nose. If you get killed you lose everything. End of the story.
  16. seife


    I usually find one in every 2nd or 3rd supermarket. Raiding Cherno at the beginning of a new life gives me one tent at the beginning of almost any life. :)
  17. seife

    TKG DayZ Chenarus Server 2 - WHITELIST

    What's the ping limit for the server?
  18. Maybe I could try the server then. Thank you. :)
  19. What pinglimit is set to the servers? I'm searching for a private-hive where I can play with my shitty connection. :/ Don't even lag ingame but Battleye kicks me for high ping on almost any server :(
  20. seife

    First Legit Kill

    I haven't killed anyone in my 35 hours of DayZ.. :)
  21. Am I the only one who isnt able to download the torrent? Both transmission and µtorrent dont start it. €: After an hour of waiting it finally works. :)
  22. Haha, yesterday I had my first encounter to another player in weeks (who isnt irl friend of mine) who approached slowly to me on the open fields. I told him I was friendly and got shot some seconds later. Shame on me I wasnt even aiming at him. However I he got shot by a friend who was in the woods. Got all my stuff back and some other nice stuff. :)
  23. Hi there, since I few days I have issues with BattlEye every almost every time I encounter zeds. If I get near to them "You were kicked from the game. (BattlEye:Ping too high)" My connection is really slow (50kb/s down; 8kb/s up) but it works fine in any other game, DayZ itself doesnt show any lags either. Is there any way to fix this?
  24. seife

    BattlEye Ping too high

    @Baralai Can't do anything about my connection. I'm living in a VERY little village (about 150 people :P)... Game itself doesnt show any lags, so I'm asking myself why BattlEye kicks me for high ping. @Nick Worth a try. :)
  25. seife

    Whats the point of Humanity?

    Same to me. I havent had that much encounters with humans in my 20 hours or so but everyone started shooting at me, some earlier, some later. Penalities would not support the way DayZ is meant to be played - as you like it.