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Everything posted by pinkamenapie

  1. Not sure how many we had that frequented the old public hive server (US 2344), but we have since moved to the private hive. Used to average 20 to 30 on the public hive server, looking to pull similar numbers in on the private hive as well. This is the official Day Z server for Ponyville.net Ponyville.net Day Z Server (v1.7.3/build 98220) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-1] 40 slots Thanks and happy hunting, CPL
  2. Now running Wasteland Mod as a limited time event (just shaking things up since people seem to be getting bored with DayZ)... Server Name: Ponyville.net 404Wasteland Server (v2.9b/build 102591) | HFBServers.com Wasteland Mod: 2.9b Beta: 102591 IP: Port: 2342 Slots: 50
  3. We will be running an open Wastelands mod event starting tomorrow night and continuing for a few days... Anyone interested can find out more at http://forum.ponyville.net/index.php?/forum/45-dayz/
  4. We've been doing reasonably well... Since the addition of the whitelist, we've had no real script kiddie attacks... We had two users when the whitelist first was implemented that were using overlays, but BattlEye global banned them pretty quick... Since, no major issues... We maintain a good number of players while avoiding being over crowded... Been doing a few small tweaks here and there to the server to try to enhance the experience, but nothing major or game changing...
  5. Updated the server and running Chernarus rmod... For continual updates, check http://forum.ponyville.net/index.php?/topic/2565-current-server-version/page-3 Ponyville.net Day Z Server (v1.7.5.1/build 101480) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-8] | HFBServers.com Day Z - Beta - 101480 IP: Port: 2342 Slots: 50
  6. pinkamenapie

    Private hive help

    Item drop rates and items spawned I think also fall under that...
  7. pinkamenapie

    Private hive help

    For the purpose of DayZ, you might find this list a little more helpful... It includes what is naturally spawnable (and what is not, but not banned) in DayZ specifically, since you may find a lot of the weapons and stuff from the full Arma2 list from Allie's links banned... http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/83421-dayz-big-vehicleweaponmisc-classname-list/
  8. pinkamenapie

    Private hive help

    http://opendayz.net/index.php?forums/Bliss-DayZ-Private-Server/ This should help you in the right direction... Lots of different guides and tutorials as to how to go about implementing this list, but I can tell you outright, unless you're willing to unpack and modify the pbo, changing the spawn rates for items may not be possible (then again, maybe there is a work around)...
  9. pinkamenapie

    Spawning with Private Hives as Admins?

    I agree... I can't tell you how many players think I can just magically spawn them vehicles :\ I also think that is why private hive servers were getting hit harder it seems than public hive servers (I've had both, and the number of hacking related incidents against my private hive have been significantly higher than those of my previous public hive server), people think that because it's not attached to the public hive, it isn't still monitored by BattlEye (which was dead wrong)... Admins that do abuse their rights (by say, turning off BattlEye and using hacks) give a bad image to those that try to be honest and run a legit server...
  10. pinkamenapie

    Private Hive - How to Add Police Car?

    If he is a server admin, then no, it's not a "how to script" thread... It's just a general (and honest) server administration question... Understand what a person is asking before making assumptions... This was one of the first mods made to my server, was adding a wider variety of vehicles on the server (to include the police car)... In order to make any modifications to the vehicle tables, you will need access to the MySQL tables (which is available with most of the better private hive server options)... The guide is posted below... http://opendayz.net/...-chernarus.581/ Opendayz forums are an excellent source of information on how to go about modifying your server to suit your tastes and make it a little more unique (but then again, some would argue that with the popularity of modifying servers, that it is not that unique anymore, lol)... Another additional resource is here, because without modifying the pbo to allow banned vehicles, you're restricted to what is currently unbanned... There is still a reasonable number of vehicles that are unbanned, yet not present in the game... Here is a list for that as well (you would add them exactly as you would the police car... In fact, I just took some of the police car spawn points that were included with the above tutorial, and divided them up between all the new cars that I implemented)... http://www.tunngle.n...classname-list/ The list shows what naturally spawns and what doesnt, but isn't banned by the mod (which means, it can be added in the same way the police car is)... Bear in mind though, this list is a little old, some may have been banned since (like the A-10) and it will not spawn, even if you add it in... Also, with the release of the Mi17, the Little Bird, and the AN2, there is a different name for these, but you can find the names under the changelog for (first three entries) http://www.dayzwiki....version_1.7.4.4 Hope this helps you out... I'm not the best at these things, but if you need any help, I can offer what little I've learned through trial and error... Just send me a message or something... CPL
  11. pinkamenapie

    Spawning with Private Hives as Admins?

    As a private hive admin, no... There is no tools for us to spawn vehicles in game... We can modify the database (if, depending on the private hive server option, we have access to the MySQL database), but most changes there require a restart to the server (only exception is modifying player gear and location, you can change those and have them take effect as long as the player logs out first)... If an "admin" is spawning vehicles in game, then they are using hacks and unless they turned off BattlEye, they will get caught and banned (one of my previous moderators got global banned for this, not spawning vehicles, but using overlays and spawning gear in game)... So to reiterate, no... There is no legit way to dynamically spawn vehicles or gear in game...
  12. pinkamenapie

    Most of these are a joke.

    It's true, it seems a lot server admins go overboard with the customizations... My private servers has a few, but mostly just to add a little more variety... The only modifications I made was adding a little more variety to the vehicles that show up on the map (extra models of the Volha and the Lada, police care and the AN2)... I also added additional vehicle spawn points, since the majority of the vehicles were concentrated along the coast line to encourage people to move inland to search for vehicles... That and a whitelist, to cut back on the number of hackers we were experiencing, but we maintain a regular population of 15 to 25 players a night (online at once, that is)... I don't really see what else would be needed, aside from small tweaks that would offer more of a (balanced mind you) variety of weaponry...
  13. pinkamenapie


    I have been using HFB Servers for a good long while now, going from the public hive, to private, to private plus, and now finally to the package plus server options... In all the time that I have had them, none of my issues took longer than a few hours to resolve... Most of the time the "stuck" start and stop features actually have to do with the additional programs hanging (such as antihax) and isn't really related to the server host themselves, just software not playing nice together... Out of all the server hosts, HFB has proven the most reliable, the best priced, and with customer service that is fast, courteous, and professional...
  14. pinkamenapie

    Just Started and Ban?

    http://battleye.com/support.html Go there, read the information they require and then email them... Global bans can only be handled through BattlEye...
  15. There is no reason why you cannot still play on it if you would like... Also, bump for upgrade... We migrated today from the Private Plus server option offered through HFBServers to the Package Plus server option. Private Hive server - Ponyville.net Day Z Server (v1.7.4.4/build 99515) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-8] Day Z - Beta - 99515 IP: Port: 2452 Slots: 50 Change log: Upgraded the private server from Private Plus server to Package Plus server. New features: Battleye Extended Controls (BEC) DayZ Antihax Easy One Click buttons on the cp homepage that can be used to do the following Spawn Vehicles Remove Vehicles Remove Barbed Wire Remove Bear Traps Remove Sand Bags Remove Tank Traps Remove Tents And Remove Everything at once You also get the easy to use change all Configs feature The Easy to use Universal Timezone editor The Easy to use Load Out Editor for basic loadouts And of course the ability to choose the max amount of vehicles you want. In addition to these new features, we will still have the same support with full FTP access, Bliss Hive MySQL access (allowing for the custom vehicle spawns as before), passwording/locking, as well as support for Gotcha AntiHack which will be used to ensure that no spawned weapons are being utilized.
  16. pinkamenapie

    [Private Hive] Cant Ban Players as Admin?

    According to Bohemia Interactive, they disabled the ban features for the built in administrator functions because they were worried it was going to be abused by hackers. The same, I believe, for the BE RCon tool. I have not had to try it, but I believe as Ophen72 has said, DaRT should be able to fill this gap (thankfully). Other than that, it's the old add the GUID to the bans.txt file. Anyways, hope this helped with your problem... CPL
  17. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    It's not entirely that, for what it's worth, these guys I feel were legitly concerned with fair play and they were trying to do what they felt was the right thing, unfortunately, it was handled in entirely the wrong way. While a PM was sent to me concerning this matter (which was good), a post was also made on our forums about it at the same time (which was bad), since these sorts of things can be damaging to the reputation of the person being accused, as well as the server that the person administrates (whether founded or unfounded). When pressed as to the specifics on what led them to believe that cheating/abuse was occuring, the first point of reference offered were comments made by a third party (who, yes, does play a lot with the admin that was being accused). This player, however, is not the most reputable and has made questionable statements in the past concerning hanging out with hackers on other servers (as well as falsely accusing the admins of randomly restarting the server without notification, which turned out to be a software related issue). While many players heard this third party say this, because of who that player was, it should have been taken with a grain of salt (which, given that most of the players have only joined since the move to private hive, they wouldn't know any better since most of his previous comments were made while we were still on the public hive). I tried to explain that the admin in question fulfilled more of a moderator role, with rights to only start/stop/restart the server (as well as kick players through BER) and lacked the ability to check logs, view game files, etc (as delegated through the control panel for my server host), but the members of this group continued to insist that he was using logs to cheat. Ultimately, it was just a situation that escalated and got out of hand, but has since found a resolution. To add to a lot of the frustration (on both halves of the spectrum, this group and the admins), was the fact that we were still trying to clean up after 3 consecutive days of major hacker attacks (two nukes and one teleport to the middle of the ocean) as well as a number of smaller attacks (a few hackers that were spawning gear and teleporting around the server to kill users) and a scramble to provide some sort of solution to protect the users (originally was going to use whitelist, until our host didn't offer support for it, then resorted to password protection), all the while these events occuring while I was (and still am) on a business trip half way around the world with limited time and with limited internet connection. When things got out of control, one of the forum admins (someone that has no part in the administration of the DayZ server) stepped in and closed the thread, as well as removed posting rights for two of the group members as a means to disarm the situation. When that occured, one of the other members came here and made a post under this thread concerning it. Despite it all, I think that in concept this thread is good (and needed) with many of the servers moving to private hive (allowing for less than reputable server administration, given the increase in rights available to admins), however, the execution of a list like this should be handled a little bit differently. Perhaps lock this thread, preventing people from adding any server at will to this list and require that PMs be sent to the topic starter (BR4INZ Chopper Bob) with the information of accused servers. Along with this information, require some measure of proof (hell, a screencap, fraps, anything more than just the word of one individual) be provided as well. I think that would help fulfill the intent of this thread in the most fair way possible, without any anger or hurt feelings when a server is wrongly accused.
  18. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    Thank you for handling this like a gentleman. I thank you guys for your vigilance, it is appreciated, however, as I pointed out before. If I would not ban a stranger on the word of another alone, then I cannot be expected to take actions against an admin for the same. If there were some sort of proof, I would most definitely take action (just like I explained with the gear that I found in Reddead's tent and on his person, it was obviously hacked gear on a private hive with no explanation from the logs, coupled with the fact that others have accused him of cheating/hacking in the past. Yet I didn't ban him, because the burden of proof just wasn't met). You guys are welcome to continue playing on the server as long as we can move past this, I do not hold any prejudice or ill will towards you or the group, even if I was admittedly getting frustrated with the seeming lack of comprehension when I spelled out that all rights for the server are delegated through the HFBServers game control panel and that 2 out of the 4 admins had heavily restricted rights, since they fill more of a moderator role than admin (Pinkie Spy and Raini), that lacks the ability to check logs, apply updates, view game files, etc. As far as the post restrictions on the forums, I did not place that restriction upon you and Reddead, but I am sure that it is only a few day restriction meant to serve as a "cool off" period (it is generally reserved for people that are overly confrontational). If you desire, I could talk to who placed the restrictions on you and find out how long they set it for. I apologize if you guys are disappointed with how the situation was handled, but understand, I have hammered admins/mods in the past (not on the DayZ server, other servers I administered) for abuse or unprofessional conduct, but best practice dictates that there be something to support it more than just the word. Thank you, CPL
  19. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    Only two people lost posting privileges on the forums and their rights were taken away by one of the other forum administrators, the same one that closed the thread, not me. I had nothing to do with it because personally, I think the more you guys run your mouths the more ignorant you guys show yourselves to be since you have absolutely no understanding about what rights each of these admins have, thus, your wild accusations are easily proven wrong. Also, as a point of reference, they weren't banned, they just no longer have posting privileges, there is a difference. The other admin felt that you guys were getting out of control and removed your rights to post as a way to try and quell any problems that may arise. I'm sure in a few days you'll have your rights back. Yes, exactly, it is impossible to tell if an admin is using the logs, except, I have not given rights to Pinkie Spy to check logs. However, all complaints states that Ginger was the one talking about this in side chat (not voice chat). Up until this posting, it was never stated that Pinkie Spy himself admitted to doing anything wrong (and has continually argued against it). If it was being typed in side chat, a screencap is easy to manage. Actually, according to Ginger (yes, I asked Ginger directly about all of this), Ginger was the one who suggested the hacker crates be spawned at the the camp and that Pinkie Spy wasn't even logged into the game at that time. Ginger was also the one to confirm that the pipebombs and weapons pulled by [Acies] were from the hacker crate, but claimed instead that the ammo was collected legitly. In a court of law, the accused doesn't have to prove innocence, the accusers have to prove guilt. Aside from not having the rights to check logs, what more can I do to prove that he couldn't of possibly used logs to cheat. Let's say, for a minute, that we are all abusing our rights. If that were true, then why even bother going out and searching for vehicles, since it's a fact that you can just copy your location into the location of the vehicle and it will pull the vehicle to you. Why would anyone need to use logs, if they can just look at the last logged in location of a certain player and copy/paste those locations into their characters location and then relog? I mean, honestly, if it were an issue of cheating, there are more efficient ways of doing it then looking through the createvehicle.log and the arma2oaserver.RPT to find vehicles and camps to go loot? Or for that matter, why have hackers spawn crates at a camp, if we can just go in and modify our load out tables... Point is, none of this shit makes sense. So either, he's a cheater that can do everything you claim him to be doing (while doing it the least efficient way possible) or you guys are wrong and are too pig headed to admit it. Once again, it all boils down to the bold statement. One person said it, therefore it must be true. Also, as a point of interest, the only people threatening to leave are the [Acies] clan. There's what, 5 or 6 of you? Also, why should you be concerned that I possibly know who you are and ban you (not that I am that petty, because in all honestly, your accusations are like water off of duck's back... I just wanted to set the record straight so our reputation doesn't get damaged because of false accusations), since our server is so rife with cheating? Pretty much, move on with the rest of your clan and leave us to enjoy our game. Things were nice, quiet, and friendly until the [Acies] took up residency on our server and started causing problems.
  20. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    I think that if people are going to submit suggested servers for blacklist, there should be some burden of proof rather than just their word... If I have to have logs or screencaps of hacking to ban a player from a server (or at least, that was the requirement back during the days I was on public hive), then to protect servers from less than reputable players, there should be something similar required for recommendations to this list. Point in case, the [Acies] clan getting upset because they had a personal problem with one of my admins, but despite so many claims by the group that my admin was doing wrong, not a single one of them felt the need to take so much as a screencap. That coupled with the fact that they supposedly run three other DayZ servers, to me it just seems like common sense to do so...
  21. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    Once again, as explained in the heirarchy of rights, only I have the rights to access the MySQL logs. Only I have the rights to modify the tables to do such things and only I can see everyone and everything on the server. I have not delegated a single shred of rights for the database access, not because I don't trust my admins, but rather, because none of the have knowledge about how MySQL tables and how they work. This was just a precaution to ensure that something didn't accidentally get messed with or deleted. Once again, if there is so much proof of all these claims, then why are there no screen caps confirming any of this. As I previously pointed out, you guys are on a witch hunt and you're willing to burn anyone and everyone because you didn't get your way. Apparently, [Acies] must be a group of aspie gamers or something, because these are very basic concepts that I have explained time and time again, yet you guys just don't seem to get it. http://forum.ponyvil...37-admin-abuse/ It's all listed here, which is funny, because you yourself linked to it in your original thread like it proved your case. You know, you're right. Apparently, despite the fact that I work as a server administrator for the US Army and have been for 6 years, with an additional 3 years prior to that in another communications field, I'm too dumb to know how to assign permissions. That apparently, my server is just wide open for anyone to connect to it and do as they please, since I never assigned rights to my admins and they are doing all these log checking and database changes without my knowledge. Guess I should just hang up my hat and call it a day. I should just burn all of my technical certifications for security and server administration and go be a grunt, because I obviously have no idea what is going on. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As listed, nowhere in your complaints on our forums did you ever once mention any of the claims that you are making here. I have provided the links for others to see how full of bullshit you guys are. All you guys kept saying "Well, Ginger claimed that Pinkie uses logs" and "Our camp got raided, it must be hacks!". I never claimed that we were getting hacked any more than another server. In fact, as I have been told by my server host, hacking events in general have been up over the past few weeks. The password was put into place after our server was nuked two days in a row and then on the third day, a hacker teleported everyone into the ocean and killed them. The password was a last resort because I could not get support for whitelist through my host. And you know what's funny? You were one of the people crying about all the hacking and demanding that we put in some solution to curb it. http://forum.ponyvil...sword-petition/ See, Reddead, unlike you, I am willing to provide proof to back up my claims. That is how you properly lodge a complaint. So now, for a moment, let's discuss the type of characters you are. You guys have proven yourselves bullies and liars, this post being just another example about how you're willing to try and bend the truth to best suit your needs. Everything you have claimed, is easily refuted and I have offered explanations and proof for all of it, but you guys refuse to believe anything other than what you want to believe in. This coupled with the fact that [Acies] was pissed off and broke camp with Pinkie Spy and Ginger due to the fact that Ginger crashed their UAZ and lost 20 stanag SD magazines and that Pinkie Spy pulled a few additional magazines from one of the tents located at their joint camp, makes it look more like a personal issue between the you four. You have proven yourselves bullies, because when you don't get your way you attack people. You did it with this post trying to get us blacklisted, you also did it at the following link because someone accused you guys of hacking/cheating. http://forum.ponyvil...st/page__st__20 Down towards the bottom of the page and on the following next few pages, you continually attacked a player that had called you a bandit and implied that you were cheating. Ironically enough, even though you guys were so quick to defend that you were "good honest players" that did nothing but run around helping people, I find that you have tents full of hacked gear and that you yourself, were using a hacked weapon. [Acies] Reddead Equiped: [["M9SD","ItemGPS","ItemMap","NVGoggles","ItemToolbox","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet", "ItemFlashlightRed","ItemEtool","ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox","ItemWatch","M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo"],[["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",18],"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","HandGrenade_West", "FoodSteakCooked","ItemAntibiotic","FoodSteakCooked",["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",13],"15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]] Backpack: ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemWaterbottle","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","FlareGreen_M203","PipeBomb","ItemAntibiotic", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","ItemBloodbag","FoodSteakRaw"],[1,2,1,3,2,2,1,4]]] Created: 2012-12-03 20:54:44 Last Update: 2012-12-06 16:21:02 [Acies] RED skyfall [161,[1647.44,14658.9,0.019]] [[["Saiga12K","Laserdesignator"],[5,1]],[["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug","8Rnd_B_Saiga12_Pellets","Skin_Survivor2_DZ","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", "HandRoadFlare","Skin_Soldier1_DZ"],[5,5,1,2,1,4]],[[],[]]] created: 2012-12-02 13:30:01 last update: 2012-12-03 22:49:36 Red means it is known hacked gear, the yellow (due to quantities) are suspected to have been pulled from a hacker crates (since they lost 20 stanag SD mags in a vehicle crash, both members with the [Acies] tags were carrying about 5 or 6 stanag SD mags on them. What was your quote again? You know, that's pretty funny, considering you're carrying a hacked weapon, have 3 pipebombs, and a tent full of hacked gear. Yes, to be fair, you gave a half assed explanation about how supposedly Ginger befriended a hacker and had them spawn a hacker crate at your camp, but that makes it even worst since you didn't feel the need to bring up the fact that this happened until you guys had your backs up against the walls, but truth be told, I honestly do not have any evidence of that. Thankfully for you guys, I can't prove that you hacked in the gear either or else you would of been submitted for global bans by now. Point is, it does cast a rather dark shadow over your character. I would also like to call you guys out on being "prior military". In all honesty, I think you're just a bunch of teenaged punks, pretending to be something that you're not, because grown men don't act like you do. Hell, half of the the people that you have just mocked for "claim[ing] to be little ponies" act more grown up and mature then the shameful display you guys have exhibited, both here and on our forums. Funny you should mock us too, when, (let's find that quote): http://forum.ponyvil...sword-petition/ Hard man there, mocking the very community that you were so quick to compliment. Get a life you child. This group has done nothing but complain, bully, and accuse the admins of doing wrong since they've joined. Definitely not the kind of players you would want on your server. TL;DR - Buttmad players get forum posting privileges revoked for making constant accusations against admins with no proof run here to try and get it blacklisted. [PS. Before you try to claim that this isnt Reddead (or Schmidty, since you two are basically one in the same in my books), you were the only two that had posting rights revoked from our forums, due to constant accusations of the admins]
  22. pinkamenapie

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    You know, this can be only one person, Reddead. You're the only one spineless enough to run off trying to try and to start problems elsewhere after you couldn't start problems on our forums. I will reiterate here what has already been said on our forums. When you make accusations, I expect to see some sort of proof. Initially, when you made the complaint against Pinkie Spy (the admin), you based the entire accusation off of the fact that a player (Ginger) had been bragging about Pinkie Spy using the logs to locate vehicles. See, the problem with lies is a lack of consistency. When you originally lodged an accusation, Ginger was the one who admitted to this, yet here, to better suit your "evidence", now you are claiming that Pinkie Spy said it (yet, throughout the entire thread, you never once mentioned this). http://forum.ponyville.net/index.php?/topic/3037-admin-abuse/ Despite the numerous back and forths, to include private messages you sent to me, never once did you say that Pinkie Spy admitted to any wrong doing. It was not until after another forum admin stripped your rights and the rights of Schmidty from posting (because he was concerned you were going to start becoming problematic, which isn't far off from the truth), that one of your fellow clan mates contacted me via private message and told me that Pinkie Spy had admitted over side chat that he was using the logs to locate the bi-plane (which only spawns in literally one location, a location that I pointed out in the post I made when I added it to the vehicle spawn tables) and helicopters (which, because I added additional helicopters, means that there are only 1 to 2 spawns per type). I also pointed out that the logs do not show newly spawned vehicles, only vehicles that have been recently accessed. I went on to tell your little clan mate, that if so many of you guys were online and witnessed it (conveniently, your clan), then why did none of you think to take a screen cap? After all, supposedly, you and Schmidty are server admins too, one would think you would understand that proof beyond word of mouth would be needed to substantiate a complaint. Once again, you a.) never mentioned any of this before, therefore it is hard for me to put any real stock in this and b.) once again, no screencaps of any sort to back up these claims. F12 is all it would of taken to prove your complaints and given me the proof required to take action against one of my admins. Also, I will reiterate this since you guys seem to have selective reading skills, but prior to my trip to Germany on 28 November 2012, I went through and changed the permissions for all admins. This was to accommodate the fact that I was going to be out of the country and unavailable to maintain many of the server functions required. Simple, the admin with the most experience acting as a Day Z server admin, was given the most rights (as assigned through the HFBServers' game control panel). His rights included log access, file manager, update manager, and the ability to start/stop/restart the server. I also gave him rights for BEC access and a couple basic scripts to maintain the server (mostly just the utility script and the script for spawning and cleaning up vehicles). Since Simple was the primary, I did not require for Pinkie Spy and Raini to have any rights more than what a mod would have. These rights only include access to BERCon for kicking players (since the ban function is busted) and the ability to start/stop/restart the server. As I have said before, explain to me how exactly an admin with no rights to logs, uses said logs to cheat? The only one that has access to the MySQL tables, is me and there are no plans to change that fact. http://forum.ponyville.net/index.php?/topic/3026-im-sick-of-this-admins-stop/ As stated in the original post you guys made about this, our servers have had a habit of random restarts since migrating to the Bliss private hive. While I originally did not have an answer for why this happened (just thought that the scheduled restart function was busted), I have since learned that the restarts are due to an incompatibility with Windows Server 2008 and the Bliss server program. Apparently, at random intervals, the Bliss server crashes and then reboots, which is what causes the server to restart randomly. The only intended restart was a scheduled restart at 0300 EST and because of the limitations with the HFBServer game control panel, there is no way to toggle an alert message to go off prior to the restart (unlike servers running BEC). The times of these restarts are all listed on the server under the server version or server updates thread on our forums (can't remember which one at the moment).
  23. Additional vehicle spawn points throughout the map... Additional vehicles added to the map including new unbanned vehicles (as well as other vehicles that were allowed, but didn't naturally spawn)...
  24. Ponyville.net Day Z Server (v1.7.4.4/build 99153) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-1] 40 slots Updated and migrated to a new physical host...