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Everything posted by eagle1867

  1. eagle1867

    Global Ban

    I have been globally banned and i don't know why. I haven't played in months and just came back to see whats up and i have a stupid global ban. I would like to get it removed asap as i leave for basic training for the marines in like three weeks lol -eagle1867
  2. eagle1867

    Global Ban

    my in game name i believe is haltthebladeling
  3. Hi there my name is halt, Today I just found out that i was banned from the select server due to item spawning. That of which i have not done as i don't even know how its done. all i know is that is can get you banned and there goes your hard work. Please look into this
  4. Yeah i had a friend log into the server and there wasn't a welcome message or anything with contact info like there should be. and i still haven't been contacted by the admin. I seriously think I got banned because I found an admin camp or something because i found a camp with about four tents full of stuff and i cleared them out... completely... lol. Then right after i did that like an hour later after an admin logged on i got banned. so i think it was there camp and that was their pathetic way of getting back at me
  5. eagle1867

    Lets Team up

    Hey dude i wouldn't mid joinin up. my skype is jesse.cardinal from farmington, mn. I currently have a dmr and l85 both with plenty of ammo. along with a PDW even thou i have been trying to find a m9sd cuz they rule. i don't have any vehicles yet but i am working on it. Im also working on getting a base of ops set up. so hit me up on skype im on usually alot. ill be home til three oclock central time. Otherwise i work til two in the morning and will be on again. so hit me up add me we can talk and see if we get along