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Cascade (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cascade (DayZ)

  1. Cascade (DayZ)

    Infinite Health

    I think he should be banned anyway, just to be sure. You as well.
  2. Cascade (DayZ)

    Life is not valuable now?

    Didn't the last patch make it so that loot dissappears if you spawn in that area? Making the server hopping lameness not work?
  3. Cascade (DayZ)

    Animal diversity and wilderness predators

    You're right. We need rhinos and elephants. Also, polar bears.
  4. Cascade (DayZ)

    Animal diversity and wilderness predators

    Zombie wolfpack, yes please.
  5. Cascade (DayZ)

    You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

    Smoke grenades? Also they react to flares now... I hear sitting on docks also helps but thats prolly more of a bug...
  6. Cascade (DayZ)

    [FIXED?] Too many zombies DISCUSSION

    I started playing last patch, so I don't know what it was like before. However I did not have any issues with the increased spawnrates. Was a good challenge, imo a change wasn't needed.
  7. Cascade (DayZ)

    Spawning at coast

    It's ok to be mad when you lose your stuff to silliness. It's not Ok to then go on the forums, and type out a 5 paragraph stream of consciousness ragepost about why this sucks, and what are devs thinking, "lol learn 2 code". You're testing, now kindly sack up or get out.
  8. Cascade (DayZ)

    Tragical and true Stories. Tell yours.

    Reposting OPs Story because nobody likes sidescrolling in documents. You're welcome. I have to tell you a tragical story, about what happened to me and stranger I met. It was in the early morning hours. I decided to move all the way north, staying away from all the dangers of the big cities and the players. This day I came through a village i had never seen before, and I couldnt find it on the map. Thats why I started to ask if anybody knew where this place was located on the map, and one guy offerd himself to come to me to team up as he knew where I had been. He asked me if I were friendly and I told him I were. In a short talk we told each other what we looked liked and I waited for him to come. While I was waiting, I saw a enterable red house, went in and started looking around what I could need. Somehow one of the zombies outside got alerted by my movings - I problably made to much noise - so I took out my 1911 and shot it. This was a fault. All the other zombies were coming to me now. Some of them running, some crawling, some hopping like monkeys. Lots of them, but I didnt panic. I slowly got my CZ and started shooting. One after another. Shot for Shot. Meanwhile the other guy told me he had approached in the village where I had been, hearing me shooting. Although he had a Mp5SD he didnt want to help, maybe because he did not trust me. The waves of zombies seemed like they would never end and the corpses piled up in front of my feet. At this point I had no ammuniton left for my CZ, although I had taken 10 magazines, 5 rounds each, with me. So i put my Sniperrifle on my back, draw my pistol, and continued shooting. It felt ridiculous. Once I thought there werent any more zombies coming - once I thought I killed all of them, soon some more where running towards my spot, hunger in their eyes and the only thing preventing them from eating me my emptying m1911. I dont know how many I killed as noticed that I must have killed all of the zombies that could have been attracted by my shooting. I didnt try to count, how many corpses were lying under my feet, I didnt try to check my remaining bullets, but I was glad I survived this hell. But suddenly another survivor appeared in front of me, holdin a silenced mp5 into his hands aiming at me. At first I was about to shoot him, but then I recognized him as the guy, who told me he wanted to team up with me. Fortunately, he was truly a friendly human. Otherwise i had been dead with a bullet in the head. He urgently told me not to waste anymore time and to get away from this massacre. So we both ran into the forest and talked about where we wanted to go. I told him that i wanted north and he agreed by suggesting to make it to Devils Castle. Since we didnt knew each other well, we were both not sure if the opponent would shot. I really thought he would kill me when he wanted me to lead even though it was the right decision because I had a compass and he hadnt. Thats when we started heading north, all the way to Devils Castle.. We sneeked through valleys, climbed up mountains and moved down on the other side, went through forests, only following one little magnetic pointer, telling us that we were heading the right way: into the north. We had been wandering quite a long time, as we both started to wonder if we moved into the right direction. Maybe we had already went to far? We didnt knew. So we climbed up the nearest mountain to find out if we could see any significant landmarks or a village to show us where we were. We were standing on mountain in the middle of nowhere searching for anything that could help us to orientate. Everything we were seeing, was hills, mountains and trees. Lots of trees. We couldn figure out where we were, not even in which part of the state chernarus. It was useless and i blamed myself for misleading us. Since we got enough supplies, except ammo, to move on for a very long time, my partner told me, that he wanted to return because he had been in such a situation before and it would be no use moving on. We wont find anything he said. I could have agreed with him, but i didnt. I refused to go back. We went all the way here and then we should just go back? All the way back? No. I didnt want to make this whole journey valueless. I wanted to move on. But not north, because i lost the faith that we had went the right way too, so i suggested to move east to the coast because we would definetly find civilization right there. Civilization means villages or cities, which could give us a lead where we should head. However he was taken by his idea of going back to where we started. While we were talking, i had been walking a few steps east o show him where I wanted to go, but he stopped and stood still. I stopped to, talking with him about the mentioned above things as he asked me if I heard him and slowly walked towards me. I didnt know what he meant, so I asked: "What"?, as he said that hes going back. I just wanted to open my mouth, telling him that this is his decision and he could if he wanted to, but this would seperate our ways, as he suddenly shot me into my chest with his 3 or 5 remaining bullets in his Mp5SSD magazine. I fell down and passed out. During this time I think he reloaded, but he didnt shoot me. Perhaps because he could be so cold-hearted. Perhaps because he had become a kind of friend of mine.. Soon I woke up and was able to move again and asked him why, but he started shoot me again, so I fastly shot him with the last round of the magazine that had been into my m1911. I hit him into his chest and he fell down too while shooting. Now he layed ahead of myself and we were looking into each others eyes, showing no fear while we were both reloading our weapons. With his previous shots he had broken my legs so I was unable to stand up, but this didnt matter. I stared death in the face. I knew i was going to die. If I wouldnt die from his shots, my wounds would finish me off. I would bleed to death having lost the faith in any human being... But it happenend otherwise: we both were deadly injured from the opponents bullets, reloading our weapons with our last power. Then at the same moment - i looked into his eyes a last time - we both shot each other into the head, being instantly dead..
  9. Cascade (DayZ)

    Please consider this awesome Dayz chair bosses...

    I am a noob therefore I QQ. How about we add soulbound gear! That's a great idea. Oh and 2 seperate worlds one pve one pvp! Also, it's too hard to get NVG & a Heli, I should get them easily so everyone has one! Also I would like to be able to spend a small amount of cash to buy equipment! Anything to make me not have to put any effort or foresight please.