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About flash2323

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. flash2323

    How Do You Roleplay?

    yeah I write a variety of things along those lines. "family found here...dead" "I lost my family here" "they killed my family here", etc. what I write depends on how educated I decide that avatar is. I'm glad you got a kick out of it though :) it was probably surprising if you weren't expecting it haha
  2. flash2323

    How Do You Roleplay?

    I think it makes the game more fun. A game can only do so much, it relies on the player to do the rest. IMO, roleplaying is more fun with friends because you can make up stories and immerse yourself more into the game. For me, it is all about the immersion. Your avatar is technically living in the plot, it is not a game for him. I try my hardest to pretend I am experiencing their life...it truly allows you to appreciate a game for what it is.
  3. I'm just interested; how many of you roleplay when you are in the game. If you do roleplay, what types of things do you do? Just to be clear, I am not talking about the default roleplaying of an apocalypse survivor. If that were roleplaying then all games would be rpgs because you have to play some role. I will give you examples of things I do to roleplay. In my opinion, roleplaying is about taking up the slack on things that the game cannot do (or won't). - I only play on veteran servers without crosshairs. I never use 3rd person view. - I only let my avatar jog for two to three minutes, afterwards I make myself walk (this makes me cautious about when to run) - I dont place anything larger than my backpack in my backpack - When I break my leg, I use the morphine but I also crawl to a tree and chop firewood. I then place the firewood in my inventory for a day (kind of like a splint in my imagination...if you want to go hardcore I guess you could keep it there for 6 weeks :D ) - When I spawn as a new avatar, I randomly choose a town/city where I pretend my family was killed. My avatar refuses to enter these cities and will only watch from a hill if my friends choose to wander in. - When eating cans of food or drinking water from canteens, I first make a fire as if I were cooking/boiling the food and water (unless it is sardines) So if there are any things you do that you would like to share, I would love to hear them. Or if you dont roleplay but have cool suggestions, I am always looking for new ways to roleplay.
  4. flash2323

    Spawning Outside of Buildings, Not in Them

    I like the fortify idea too. Not so sure about the booby-trap because there has to be a fair way for players to disarm it/spot it, otherwise it is just an unfair death when you did everything required to enter the structure. The issue with entering less buildings can be fixed by explaining that "until one gets the proper tools, these places are untouchable" which adds a sense of progression. A newly spawned character shouldn't be able to enter the buildings that a 10+ day survivor can.
  5. flash2323

    Spawning Outside of Buildings, Not in Them

    Cornerstone, I agree with your suggestion. The only thing I'm unsure is if you meant to say that certain areas will be designated as spawn points (as in you spawn in safe buildings). Because, in my opinion, a character should spawn outside of buildings because one's character may end up spawning inside of another player's safehouse. I think that we want the same thing but for different reasons. I didnt think of the perks you mentioned (people "teleporting" on top of you while you stand guard) but they are a definite plus. The main reason I wanted it to be implemented was for the purposes of constructing fortified structures for your team (I just like the roleplaying aspect of building a safehouse - its probably what I would do in something like dayz, so why not do it). Obviously there are even more reasons to do this, rather than just safehouse construction...we can only hope.
  6. flash2323

    Spawning Outside of Buildings, Not in Them

    Well maybe, in respect to large cities, having spawn locations outside of the city...then the person has to get into the city again instead of being able to start in the city. The instance I thought of was something like a garage where I can pull my atv inside, store stuff in it, and then barricade it. This place can serve as a teams fallback location and other rp'ing stuff.
  7. I think that a good addition/change could come from not allowing players to spawn inside a building. If a player logged off while inside a building, the player is placed in a dedicated spawn location for that building type (ex. 20 feet outside of the door). This would enable players to effectively barricade themselves inside their "safe house". The reason for spawning outside is that players will come to a barricaded area in server x, log off of server x and onto server y, move into the barricaded area, relog back onto x...voila the player infiltrated the barricade. This should not be allowed and if this change is put in place, it would allow people to create bases and strongholds - this would introduce a new (albeit minor) playstyle. This forces players to locate tool boxes or entrenching tools if they want to infiltrate a barricade...which is how it should be. What do you think? Leave a comment.