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Everything posted by pantsumann

  1. pantsumann

    baiting people always fun

    I could shoot people who is dumb enough to fall for such lures. Yesterday I was playing and there were to people talking and they said both they were friendly and shit how they gonna group up and loot together and shit. I said to my self óne of their names will pop up in chat and being followed by a ´was killed´...´ Sure as fuck, 5 mins later one of them poped the other.
  2. You do know that zombies spawn from a certain radius from you, right? Basicly, in a town that there are no players, there are no zombies.
  3. pantsumann

    This game needs shopping carts

    I want a teddybear to snuggle with when my character creeps out on zombies.
  4. pantsumann

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    Lol people thinking with their dicks. If that ever happend to my TS server, I should have assembled the group and get sniper teams around the perimeter. Never trust boobs.
  5. pantsumann

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    Humanity system is still there, but you cant see it. Why? Because minus humanity level is a competition for some people. My friend HAD -80,000 Humanity. His friends tried to beat him. Now you cant count points for killing. Just heads. Enjoy.
  6. Some weeks ago the average life expectancy was like 4 hours and 30 mins. Is it some bug or have people gotten sloppy? I think last time I logged in my character was said to be on his 22'th day. It isnt that hard to survive but man 27 minutes? Tell me its a bug on the Dayz homepage.
  7. pantsumann

    To whoever killed me at SW Airfield

    Stop camping in obvious places.
  8. pantsumann

    baiting people always fun

    Sometimes I shoot players who uncover themselves like idiots. Taking a bait like that deserve a bullet. Same with the dude who ran on a big field with his flash light on. Shot him, and then sat silently and watched him rage on the side channel. Another ran around with a flare outside a bigger town so I dropped him too. People really need to be more careful. Sure call me an asshole, but people need to learn to use the night as cover and not be the only flashing area and seen by anyone for half a mile.
  9. pantsumann

    NW Farmers

    Yup always when there's like 1-17 players on a server everyone tends to go to Stary Sobor or NW airfield. Best to survive is to have one guy at your back that acts look out while you loot, because everyone will aim for the airfields and military camps on low pop servers.
  10. I shot 5 people in short time just in rage when I was a survivor and my group was fucked after some great time playing. Fluffy gloves went off and now I aim to be a bandit but there's no real use of shooting people that just got makarovs(maybe when your bandit face looks too happy maybe...). I dont kill people for a can of beans. I hunt animals for food. In cherno there's nothing much to do tho, because everyone kills everyone there. Only problem is that the camo is out of place. During night its perfect when out in the open, but in the woods a bandit is kinda fucked if engaged.
  11. pantsumann


    Main use of molotovs would be to cut off streets in cherno for example, being trapped on a roof with hordes of zombies below, cut off escape paths for other players etc.... Seriously the possibilitys are endless not just to throw at people like in movies. Empty whiskey bottle, bandage and a fuel can. Then to be able to use it you must have matches in your inventory. Easy as that.
  12. Sounds bad. What if your buddys wanna play with you and some cant connect because "waiting for server response/character to create"? Ofc you server hop to be able to play with your buddys, but no, theres a 10 min limit. Thats no good. Too many downsides to add that limit just because some noob is hunting for cans of beans in a barn. And people farming the airfields? Sure, the dude got a nice weapon and 2 mags. Still takes a cheap lee enfield and one bullet to end his life. I shot a dude on a roof about 270m away with the lee enfield. One shot one kill is all you need to end the farmers.
  13. pantsumann

    Girl Character?

    There is female PMC soldier for download. Maybe they will appear in Dayz some day.
  14. pantsumann

    duct tape - the possibilties are endless

    Tin cans + wood + duct tape = Sorta bulletproof vest. No just kidding. Like said before, the game engine might not support this.
  15. pantsumann

    The Crossbow.

    Yeeeeeeeessssssss. atleast 4 stackeble bolts per slot and some sort of real ironsight. I love the crossbow but there are so many noisier weapons to choose before this just because of the sights.
  16. pantsumann

    Global Siren Sound (Every player hears it)

    I like this. The part with the siren and spawning random huge horde of zombies. PvP is part of the freedom in this mod. But yeah, at random time a siren is heard all over the server and a massive zombie horde is spawned somewhere on the map(walking around to some coastal city. Random point on the map would just cause the horde walking around and nobody sees it). This would really give people something to think about when walking around. With a big horde the biggest threat isnt other players anymore :)
  17. pantsumann


    Just eat your kevlar, yo.
  18. pantsumann

    New zombie skin

    Congrats for getting your skins in game. Looks so epic man. Really good job!
  19. pantsumann

    Crossbow too ineffectual

    Walking up to the north-west airfield and get one silenced MP5 is more worthwhile even with just one magazine(30 bullets over 5 reuseble bolts? fuck yeah).
  20. pantsumann

    New zombie skin

    How can the dev team not like this new skin? It looks really epic. I would love to see this in game.
  21. pantsumann

    Did You Hear About That Survivor Location?

    Im all game for this. And having some npc's with weapons as guards would probably kill the pkiller before everyone's dead. If not, I shall honor this master assassin with all my respect.
  22. pantsumann

    Melee weapons/ hand-to-hand

    Equip hunting knife in inventory, sneak up behind any player and use scroll wheel and select "backstab" shouldnt be too hard to make. It doesnt need any fancy animations, just use the grenade toss ani or something. I think people would find use of it when sneaking around in towns and stalking other players.
  23. pantsumann


    I have some hard time finding any guides on exactly what you can do in this mod, like how vehicles work and all the spare parts scattered over the map. And empty whiskey bottles? Can we, or will we be able to make molotovs to cut off zombies from a path in the towns? It would be cool if you could take a whiskey bottle and add some gasoline and bandage? And as stated above, any guides anywhere?