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About pandaman465

  • Rank
  1. pandaman465

    Trading an M24 for an M14 AIM

    banned CD key for your M24 and valid CD key
  2. holy fuck i am seriously pissed. i got banned for hacking(yeah, crucify me) about a week ago and I just bought a new copy last night. i attempted to get on a server after having to DL Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA, since I had bought Arma 2: CO again. says i was globally banned. i looked at my username somehow (UWOTM8) and realized it was the one i was banned on. HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN? i uninstalled everything and deleted all the folders related to Arma 2, and i'm still globally banned after a new copy. let me tell you if i don't get this fixed im going ape shit what do i do?
  3. pandaman465

    Looking for 1-2 partners :D

    i use skype, lol.
  4. pandaman465

    Looking for 1-2 partners :D

    added, want to play now?
  5. hello, i am looking for 1-2 partners on the forums that are experienced :) skype: honeyballs steam: #kDS
  6. pandaman465

    Looking for 1-2 partners :)

    @yowobble @Rust_Bucket - i sent you both a Skype request @gavalin - okay you can join too :D
  7. hey guys, i am looking for 1-2 partners(as said in the title) i don't prefer 3 because sometimes it just gets out of hand. so if you have one other person with you OR two people contact me then that could work aswell! skype - honeyballs steam - #kDS (if my steam name doesn't show up, use skype or the forums, i will check every so often(this thread)
  8. im in, skype/steam? -edit: i misread, sorry. i thought you were looking for a partner. but still - if you're looking for a partner anyways, im up for it.
  9. pandaman465

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    It's pretty pointless since zombies can get through it, yes.
  10. pandaman465

    Lets Team up

    i'm in - skype?
  11. lol i told him i was thirteen and he deleted me off skype and he can't even put out a simple english sentance