An interesting thought occurred to me earlier... During the Zombie Apocalypse in Chernarus, a lot of military technologies that were originally top secret before the outbreak would probably have been issued to soldiers as the government rapidly became more desperate to keep the infestation under control. When the US/UK relief force arrived, I would imagine they would have done the same, but would also have quickly begun developing entirely new weapons systems, explosives or even vehicles designed specifically to combat zombies. And I suppose I was hoping that one day we would see some of these entirely new systems in the stand alone. Now, obviously I'm not suggesting they go Call Of Duty crazy and start dishing out rayguns and freeze-rays, but perhaps a few more plausible ideas would be interesting and enjoyable. Obviously the British SA80 weapon already has a brand new 'Future Soldier' technology weapon sight, so perhaps they could go down that route or realistic, but also fun. Perhaps ammo that has little effect on humans but can punch through a line of 7 zeds and cause all of them to combust or gas grenades that can be used to either attract or repel zombies, for the purposed of clearing out buildings before you raid them, luring groups of zombies into open ground so you can pick them off easily, or, if banditry is your thing, throwing into a building in which a hapless survivor is hiding, bringing an entire horde down upon your hapless victim. The possibilities are only limitless really. I understand that people enjoy the realism of Dayz and that nobody, including myself, wants to see it go down the road that other zombie games and films have gone into and become unbelievable nonsense. But perhaps a few small items both wouldn't hurt and would possibly even add to the realism of the game. I mean, given the situation... It would probably seem stranger if there were no weapons designed for zombie combat left over from a zombie apocalypse.