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About ..Critical..:

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  1. ..Critical..:

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    I'd agree with swapping painkillers for morphine
  2. ..Critical..:

    Voice & Text Communication

    Removal of side channel is fantastic for these reasons: 1. When I'm lone wolfing it I really do feel alone now and adds to the immersion. 2. Not getting distracted by fuck tards chatting random shit. 3. No more.... Child 1:"HEY LOOK IN HERE" Child 2:"what u found bro?" Child 1:"A PEPSI" Child 2:"WOW this mod owns bro!" Child 1:"HEY LETS GO TO PATOR" Child 2:"ok, bro" Child 1:"whats your mum cooking you for dinner?" *** 20 mins of complete shite later *** Child 1:"look theres pator, lets go down the road" Child 2:"Yeh ok bro" Child 1 was Killed Child 2 was killed Critical: Oh no. Thanks for playing ^^ Child 1:"How did you know we were there haxor!!" 4. It's created tears, I like tears 5. Made the learning curve steeper keeping kiddies out, mod should be rated 16-18+ anyway.
  3. ..Critical..:

    My opinion of the game in its current state

    1. I like spawning with no weapons makes it more intense 2. You shouldn't need to use these much if your playing right so 1 is fine and they spawn everywhere 3+4 You've just arrived on the coast you've probably drank and eaten it all, and been living off your own piss for a few days 5. If the zombies are running at you then run away, there easy to loose. Use hills building water to loose them firing at them just attracts more
  4. ..Critical..:

    First few minutes on DayZ....

    Finally a thread thats not pretending the games been out years and just been patched. Welcome to alpha! Sounds like your having fun! Key to this game is paranoia. Hope you enjoy it as much as some of us do, remember to report any bugs you find (after a forum search)
  5. I gear up on night time servers, can practically tap dance through elektro gear up and head up to stary this patch rocks, anything that keeps out kids and action gamers gets a thumbs up. An example of this is EvE online has a learning curve so hard the average player age is 27. Brilliant.
  6. ..Critical..:

    NVG's an GPS

    GPS top level of Northen elektro fire station. Useless really when you already know the map inside out
  7. ..Critical..:

    Your stupidest death

    I put on a ghilli and logged out.... true story!
  8. Whole thread made me lol "Its not fair...." Erm yeh it is! Nothing to stop you doing it, its perfectly fair. I agree with hiding stuff out of bounds even though I've never stashed it i've stolen from them plenty of times.
  9. ..Critical..:

    Stuff in tents is gone

    I follow people to tents or look for them in places I would put them all the time and rob the stuff I need. I would never take a blood bags most useless if your lone wolfing it. I will never take a car if is one attracts too much unwanted attention. I'm guessing you were robbed or your tents dissapeared 48 hours after your charater died and you didn't replace them.
  10. ..Critical..:

    Give bandits/survivours different side channels

    So team deathmatch then?..... :(
  11. ..Critical..:

    Zombie speed?

    These zombies are driven by rage and not hunger, there out to pummel you not eat you, there still human just infected with rage, think 28 days later.
  12. ..Critical..:

    What to do next?

    Do the Cherno Madman run. One side to the other sprinting
  13. ..Critical..:

    [Guide] Meeting friends 101

    [Guide] Meeting friends 101 Finding out where you are As I have seen many forum post about game ruining suggestions such as spawning in groups or picking your spawn locations I thought I'd write this little guide on how best to meet your friends and not die in the process. This is not a gearing up guide. Firstly do not spam respawn until your both in the local area, this puts a massive amount of strain on the server and will slow down not only your connection to the server with the "waiting for server response" but also every other player that wants to help test this game. Secondly learn the map. Spend a good time out of game learning the map, which towns are situated where, which towns on the coast are next to each other. You should also learn about how to accurately read maps using contour lines and grid referencing so you can tell your friends exactly where you are using a grid reference number. When you initially spawn you get some writing in the bottom right corner of you screen that gives you your location which means you can work out where you are. You can use this information to give your friend a grid reference so you both know where each of your characters has started. The rules of meeting up If you want to meet up quickly without getting shot follow these simple rules. 1. Get off the coast but don't go to far north Do not sit on the coast line or walk along it this is the biggest mistake, do not follow the major road or rail. This is what most players do when they are trying to meet up and massively increases the chances of you getting killed my other players or by me. 2. Do not go looting or gearing up However tempting to gear up in the first 10 mins, Don't. You don't need to rush you have plenty of time before your going to run out of food or water. 3. Stay in cover, stick to the forests if you can, beware of roads and other towns as these are major highway routes for players. Also you can work out your exact position from these on the map. If you need to cross in the open its best to crawl. 4. If you must cross a road check before you go steaming across. How to meet up Now you know your starting positions you can pick a grid reference to head too, pick one that in the forest and pretty much equal distance from both of you and head there following the rules above. Heres an example
  14. ..Critical..:

    Spawn survivors with only a flashlight

    I support this idea. Forum wide vote please :)
  15. ..Critical..:

    How come players can 1-hit kill me, but I can't?

    Keep calm and aim for the head