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Everything posted by Artemis01

  1. im joining already on green moutain so ill spawn there please don't shoot if you see me
  2. very low oh health keep passing out, i have a broken leg due to falling off some stairs caused by lag. if someone could come help me that would be great!
  3. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    not even. im just really not trying to restart
  4. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    ahh ok just let me know when what server and when to log in
  5. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    are you getting close?
  6. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    thanks alot man
  7. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    will do! let me know when you get there or close and ill hop on whatever server youre on just pm me
  8. Artemis01

    Need help Broken leg

    theres a barn between sosnovka and zelenogorsk if you know where that is?
  9. ill join up with you guys but my guy has a broken leg and is trapped in a barn :D
  10. ive been playing for a couple weeks now its getting boring playing by myself looking to play with some other people. just died before i logged out so i don't have any gear but give me like 30 mins when i log on and i should have some decent stuff, Im in seattle will prolly be on around 5pm and for awhile after that if anyone wanna to group
  11. no but ill pick one up on my way home never needed one yet :D
  12. yeh im down man, you can trust me but i understand why you would be concerned. Are you going to be on around 5pmish? ill pm you!
  13. no offense but id rather join a clan from the states. Tonacriid could you tell me more about the clan?
  14. yeah man! ill hit you up around 5pm when i get back from work. so you have a steam or how should i contact you?
  15. ive been playing for a couple weeks now its getting boring playing by myself looking to play with some other people. just died before i logged out so i don't have any gear but give me like 30 mins when i log on and i should have some decent stuff, Im in seattle will prolly be on around 5pm and for awhile after that if anyone wanna to group
  16. ill hit you guys up when i get home
  17. Artemis01

    damn snipers

    so it was getting dark and I was running low on supplies thought I would run into town to find some food water whatever I could find. came across some good loot found a map,compus,sidearm lots of ammo and a m16, toolbag, tent, better pack,bloodbags and healing supplies. was feeling pretty good about the items I just found then was searching this building went to the roof (which I know now not to do now) after spending alittle bit of time looking over the city figuring out the best way to get back to the woods. out of no where got sniped in the head one shot dead. so yeh that will be the last time I stay in a city for a long amount of time or search the roof tops that leaves you exposed. time to start over :/
  18. Artemis01

    damn snipers

    yeh I was thinking about that but it was getting way to dark to start looking for him, could hardly see 20ft in front of me
  19. Artemis01

    damn snipers

    yeah I guess or a meal for a bandit
  20. ive only been playing a couple days would like to join a group or clan so i can get the ropes down alittle faster. my mic is broken right now but i will be getting a new one soon
  21. Artemis01

    Looking for some people to join up with

    I would be down to play with you guys but i don't have a mic :/