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Everything posted by revv

  1. revv

    Connecting Failed

    I got the game yesterday and had frame rate issues that were so bad to begin with i was getting like 2 fps. After I got my isp to reset my port (because I couldn't find any issue with my system) it started running perfect. Than today I got in ONE server and played for like 10 mins before getting a red chain and now EVERY server I try to join I just get stuck on a black "wait for host" screen. All I can do from that point is hit esc and quit game then try another with the same end result. Tried like 50 servers over the space of about 4 hrs and still cant get in a game. Running win7x64 i7 2600 Nvidia GTX 550Ti 8 Gb DDR3 ADSL2+ ~6-8Mb down 1200Kb/s up Virus check came back clean. I have no idea why its doing this all of a sudden but if someone could help fix it I will give them my beans Oh and I have been running it through six the whole time
  2. revv

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Severance Steam Name: Revv Age: 31 Mic: yes. (Have TS3, mumble, Vent and Raidcall Preferred role: Whatever is needed but assault/close quarters and/or scavenger. (still new to game but learning very quickly) Timezone: Australia (GMT+10) How often do you play a day and at what times: Only recently got the game but Im a hardcore gamer that plays all day and most of the night. Im a stay at home dad so I can adjust my sleeping pattern to suit whenever we play. You didn't say what your steam name is so I am assuming it's your forum name from here, will try adding it now anyway.