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dickie (DayZ)

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About dickie (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. dickie (DayZ)

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    You do realise that there are other ways of implementing a "levelling system" without having shit like xp and actual levels? In fact' date=' it might shock you to know, that Rocket himself actually wants to add some sort of a character progress system to DayZ, the main idea being that people could diversify with out of combat abilities that would promote teamwork, like someone getting better as a medic for example. Would be especially awesome if it went hand in hand with some kind of a crafting system. [/quote'] I said in my previous post that I stood corrected, and can possibly see the potential for it. But still, if it were implemented you would have to lose all your skills on death. Which leads me on to how long would it take to get good at something? As people don't last too long at dayz, and it might just be a waste of time... You could implement a "class" system to get around this or selecting some refined skills when you spawn, but we start heading the wrong direction then, turning the game away from its brutal, gritty survival game into a deathmatch shooter like Call of Duty. I think a better way on expanding on teamwork and building a community would be having more things like the bloodpack. Where you require more than one person to do something... like repairing a vehicle or whatever. I do completely agree with a crafting system though.
  2. dickie (DayZ)

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    I agree with you on the surface' date=' but to play devil's advocate there are certainly ways I can see "leveling up" being incorporated without upsetting the immersion, realism or sandboxiness. Best example I can think of off the top of my head is improving your ability to butcher animals. I have no idea how to butcher an animal. If I tried, I would probably ruin some of the meat. But if I practiced, and my very survival depended on it, I would probably get better with each passing attempt (i.e., increasing the amount of raw steak acquired from animal caracasses as my skills improve). Medics could apply bandages and give blood transfusions faster. You could increase your athleticism over time by eating regularly and running long distances - reducing reticule wander from exhaustion, increasing recovery time, or even eventually increasing run speed slightly. etc., etc. I think there are ways to incorporate slight and subtle differences in player abilities - and doing so might add some interesting variety and secondary goals to the game. [/quote'] I stand corrected. These may have a place in DayZ, it depends how long it takes for skills to improve and if it's a system worth implementing as when you die, you will have to lose these skills as well - because when respawning you're essentially a new character. If you were to keep these skills afterwards, it again goes against the permadeath element of the game.
  3. dickie (DayZ)

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    A levelling up system would be ridiculous... what would you level up in a game like Arma? And one of the main points of the game is permadeath. Half the fun is with the emotions created knowing that just round the corner could be the end to hours and hours of gameplay - If that changed then it would in my opinion, completely ruin the game. If people can't deal with losing all their "hard work" by someone killing them, you should probably all go back to playing Call of Duty.
  4. dickie (DayZ)

    Military Flashlights

    lol, ^ This. If you were trying to use one during the day then there's no hope for you my friend.
  5. dickie (DayZ)

    Military Flashlights

    Odd, it's how I turn mine on. Obvious questions: you sure it's out and selected? Also, it's not as bright as a generic flashlight, move it around a bit, maybe it is on? Only asking as some people may have missed the obvious, not saying you have. Other than that, just check all is well in your keybindings and it hasn't changed somehow.
  6. dickie (DayZ)

    Military Flashlights

    the L key, like a flashlight on a weapon