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About kevinyoki

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    On the Coast
  1. kevinyoki

    is this game still glitchy?

    I see. I gotta say I'm disappointed and a bit shocked to see this game still in this state. It's actually quite sad, no offense to the developers. But thanks for clearing it up for me, I guess I have to pass on the standalone too, I won't have time to play it because of school. But still I can't help fantasizing about what could have been the perfect zombie game...
  2. after playing for a few months I quit this game about half a year ago because I couldn't put up with the glitches that never seemed to get fixed (tents/vehicles not saving, dying on spawn, spontaneous heart attacks, osteoporosis, falling through the ground, etc. etc.). not to mention the hackers I encountered on a regular basis. It was kind of a waste of money because I only bought arma2 to play dayz. I know the developers aren't obligated to give me my money's worth since they're not part of bohemia, so I guess I can only blame myself. but anyway, I'm wondering if anything has changed or gotten fixed? I have to admit the game was pretty engaging and fun in the times between the glitches (which killed me about as often as other players/natural causes did). Are the hackers still there? Are the glitches fixed? I was looking to have another go at it. Thanks.