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Hello moto

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Everything posted by Hello moto

  1. Or being pissed off when you need to go outside at midnight and you have no NVG's.
  2. Hello moto

    Day Z Urban Legends

    This has happened to me! I was near a heli crash (before I knew what they were.) when I saw what I thought was a played looking directly at me, I panicked and ran behind the heli, all the while the zed, (dressed in black and wearing black sunnies,) was staring at me. He was about 200 meters away, and when I was behind the heli in zoomed in. He just kept staring at me. I went around the other side and then was attacked by a group of people in a car then I completely forgot about that lone zombie...
  3. Think about it, you wake up on the beach of some unknown place, with nothing. The nearest town you enter is full of crazy people who run at the speed of Usain Bolt and they try to eat you. Add on top of that the guy you can see in the distance is firing his gun at you. Add it all up not many people would be able to stay sane for long. So I suggest that when your'e hungry, thirsty or low on blood (6000 or less) you start having delusions. They can be simple things like hearing four or five footsteps near you, or hearing a zombie when it isn't their, or even seeing random 'player' sized movements in you peripheral. Even hearing gunshots in the distance, maybe even a helicopter... Just anything that would make the player completely paranoid. Someone who is low on blood could spend an hour running away from a player only to realize that there wasnt anyone there
  4. Hello moto

    Suggestion about having delusions.

    I don't see them as 'punishments', just as close to realism as a mod in alpha stage can get at the moment. A delusion could even just be a zombie that screams and runs at you and disappears when close enough. I know I'd be seeing that shit everywhere in a situation like that.
  5. Hello moto

    Suggestion about having delusions.

    They wouldn't be following you, you might see a brief flash of a player skin behind a wall
  6. When knocked unconscious, your view is locked to where you are facing. The stupid thing is you can still see and hear slightly. I propose that your screen goes completely blank and every program open on your PC is completely muted for the duration of the now invisible timer. Also the ability to quit the program should be disabled. What do you guys think?
  7. Hello moto

    Just a little suggestion about unconsciousness.

    I see the pun in your name and the name of the topic...
  8. Hello moto

    What should our next competition be?

    How about a commotion to see who can pull the most zombies? Set aside six hours of your day then run through every town in a loop then turn around and BAM! 200+ zombies.