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Calavera (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Calavera (DayZ)

  1. Calavera (DayZ)

    Your Best Story Of Avoiding Death Legit

    12th day in Chernarus, living off supermarket runs and the occasional factory run near Polana, honest life; Everything went good until the day i found a Wiskey crate, damn, i've been sober since when the SHTF but i coudnt pass this opportunity. Next day i wake up naked, on the shore of Balota, Damn! The hangover was too much for me to bear so I ran to a building to get my mind straight, i shoud know better, i was too groggy to run and ended tripping on the floor breaking my legs; Talking about bad luck? After a day of crawling for food, water and the essentials, i manage to get a AK74 in the control tower, unfortunatelly all i realy wanted was some morphine for the pain. I make a decision, I need to go to the hospital. Its already night, im hungry and crawling for my life, but something unexpected happened, an Inffected runs towards me, I shoot him and he is down, but to my surprise i see the outline of a man with an AXE, he saw me too, crawling, the vision of my gun makes him want to flank me, I take a shot, Bam! He start runnin away, BAM, BAM. He is now deceased, My heart is Pounding, im shaking, but i havent time for morality issues, i need food and medicine. He could have company,but at that point im passing out, I need to reach his cold dead body, Desperation overcomes my shame, i look into his bag... Then i saw a entire medical supply including antibiotcs, morphine, blood bags, bandages, painkillers; Everything, including food! I grab it all, use the morphine for my pain and run to the forest. I guess ill be living an 13th day. P.S.: No, i didnt realy found a Wiskey bottle, call it poetic license, i was just a victim of the spawning bug. P.P.S.:That character was my first life and this was my first kill! He ended up dying for a Hacker. He lived to 16th day, maybe i talk about that later.