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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So just for the sake of not starting a new thread, is there ANY privat hive that is not modded to a crazy extent and still have players on it? the only reasonable one i could find was the rock paper zombies one ( whitelist here http://rockpaperzombie.freeforums.org/apply-for-whitelist-f11.html) but yea even that is a littel modded. Would be nice to see a few more Expert privat servers since im a glutton for punishment ^^
  2. ofcourse we could get some bandit skins for those that wanna feel more badass aswell i guess ^^
  3. Im sorry, and? :) either carry on like a boss or respawn like a bitch :O
  4. i know you guys are trying to help but we cant do anything before we get oure ip's whitelisted then? :(
  5. You could have pressed respawn you know..
  6. So ? He did a live interview with TB while playing on a populated server. Go watch that if its too boring for you.
  7. Privat server. Oh and uhh ignorer the chat just new ppl seeing it and throwing misleading info around ..
  8. If i remember correctly respawning adds massiv load to the local server its on and can cause desync for other players.
  9. I sent a request the 25th ill post in here when i get an answer, just to let everyone know of the waiting time :/ Fuck i forgot to tell them i cant give them RDP.. ARRUGHH... :(
  10. The fact they even got a dayz server up is an amazing feat with the queue forming up.
  11. It seems the waiting line for getting it approved is quite long too...:(
  12. Hey everyone. After i filled out a message to the devteam on the website i did not receive a conformation that the message was sent or anything. is this normal? I didn't wanna annoy them with sending them the same message again.so just checking if this is standard? thx
  13. 2 weeks oh dear... i sent a message about getting dayz setup for my server. if its gonna take over 2 weeks to get a reply holy fuck... :(
  14. Sneak up on ppl and ask em loudly if they want your gun For nothing in return ? xD
  15. Im thinking of renting a dedicated EU server with these specs: Dell R210 vii Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 4x 3.4 - 3.9 Turbo 8gb Ram 250gb HDD SATA 3 Unlimited bandwidth Dedicated Would this be enough for one 50 man server or would i need to stick a ssd in it? Im fairly interested in knowing what other ppl are using aswell?
  16. i found it. its a Quad Core Intel® Xeon® X3220 4x 2.4Ghz
  17. would a dedicated 2.4GHz Quad Xeon® CPU with 4 gb ram be able to run 1 or 2 servers or would the ghz be to low and start problems?
  18. Thx for the info Vipeax. Ive been on quite alot of laggy servers so didnt wanna skimp out on performance.
  19. Rocket pointed out himself that he would wanna try something along the lines that made eve online great in a interview a while i recall. so im assuming some sort skills will be set in place