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About mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Maybe they dont like you very much
  2. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Most of these are a joke.

    So just for the sake of not starting a new thread, is there ANY privat hive that is not modded to a crazy extent and still have players on it? the only reasonable one i could find was the rock paper zombies one ( whitelist here http://rockpaperzombie.freeforums.org/apply-for-whitelist-f11.html) but yea even that is a littel modded. Would be nice to see a few more Expert privat servers since im a glutton for punishment ^^
  3. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    epic car chase with me on the motorcycle

    Disconnector up in here yup yup
  4. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    WTB less whine
  5. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    REALISTIC Suggestions and REAL ideas

    ofcourse we could get some bandit skins for those that wanna feel more badass aswell i guess ^^
  6. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Lee Enfield has to be cursed

    Im sorry, and? :) either carry on like a boss or respawn like a bitch :O
  7. i know you guys are trying to help but we cant do anything before we get oure ip's whitelisted then? :(
  8. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Six Updater download issue

    ???? ok
  9. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    How I've died to sloppy programming

    You could have pressed respawn you know..
  10. So ? He did a live interview with TB while playing on a populated server. Go watch that if its too boring for you.
  11. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    PC Gamer stream with Rocket and friends!

    Privat server. Oh and uhh ignorer the chat just new ppl seeing it and throwing misleading info around ..
  12. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Abusing respawnfunction - ban reason?

    If i remember correctly respawning adds massiv load to the local server its on and can cause desync for other players.
  13. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    Instance number Hosting a dayz server no reply

    I sent a request the 25th ill post in here when i get an answer, just to let everyone know of the waiting time :/ Fuck i forgot to tell them i cant give them RDP.. ARRUGHH... :(
  14. mattiaspetersen@yahoo.dk

    101 Servers violating slot requirement

    The fact they even got a dayz server up is an amazing feat with the queue forming up.