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Everything posted by BozotheCat

  1. Zombie Shark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnTpGTfOmUQ Zombies Climbing Ladders: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvjAbo85B04
  2. BozotheCat

    And you thought you had seen it all...

    Nope im not new i used to run into the water too. But never had them come in after me they would get stuck on the edge of the water. Perhaps they patched it so they could do those things but when I was new to the game never once did i see one swim.
  3. BozotheCat

    And you thought you had seen it all...

    That was the first time I had seen a swimming zombie. Usually I can run into the water and the zombie wont follow.
  4. BozotheCat

    And you thought you had seen it all...

    This was on a public hive. I fell into the water when it was dark and switched servers and when I spawned in I noticed the zombie behind me in the water lol.
  5. BozotheCat

    Best Axe Murder (teamwork)

    LoL damn rights
  6. BozotheCat

    Axe Murdering & Car Rampaging

    Hunting 2 newbs at night with my Axe in Electro: My Favourite Axe + Sniper Teamwork:
  7. BozotheCat

    Axe Murdering & Car Rampaging

    Car Rampage:
  8. BozotheCat

    My Dayz Experience

    This has been pretty much what my experience as im guessing most of you out there has been: Although battle eye is starting to do a bit of a better job now.
  9. BozotheCat

    My Dayz Experience

    Do I have to report it to the admins of the server or is there a place I can report to at battle eye?
  10. BozotheCat

    My Dayz Experience

    Lol I can't believe god mode wasn't able to get detected you think that would be the easiest of hacks to detect...
  11. BozotheCat

    50 shades of grey?

    Try updating battle eye?
  12. BozotheCat

    ★Ladder Climbing Zombies★

    Day Z ★Ladder Climbing Zombies★ Dayz Gameplay + Epic Zombie Suicide
  13. BozotheCat

    ★Ladder Climbing Zombies★

    Ya I wasn't expecting it at all I thought I was safe up there. Was a cool experience didn't think the AI was able to do that.
  14. BozotheCat

    ★Ladder Climbing Zombies★

    My bad didn't see that the other post made it up. These forums have the worst performance I have ever seen takes for ever for anything to load. So I made another one.