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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. You better should go to the BI or Arma2 forum to tell them your story. You got a GLOBAL BAN, so NO ban from an admin on a DayZ server.
  2. WE!!! cant do anything, its a "GLOBAL BAN" coming from BattleEye.
  3. @Recon Have a look here and read CAREFULLY! http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11906
  4. Hi there, I have Arma2 CO installed via Steam. I´ve read somewhere that the Anniversary Ed. has hi-res textures. 1. is this info with the hires textures true? 2. will i be able to install my "retail" Arma2 Annivers. Ed. as a second installation? I don´t want to have multiple chars, but i will first install the retail and make it working and before I will delete the steam Version.
  5. @Leeu Why are you posting this in two threads?
  6. This was part of a STALKER mod if I remember it correctly, but´s not working here and is nonsense IMO.
  7. Its like in real life when the news say: "He was allways so friendly, he allways looked out for his kids" and what happened? He killed his wife yesterday. Same here. I tell you "yes im friendly, I´m allways friendly" you´ll maybe come closer and I shot you. Please review the DayZ trailer, where all has been said, what the mod is all about. If you change this, it will not be that thrilling anymore, it will break the idea of this mod. Group up with friends or be the lonley wolf and don´t trust anyone. This advise is simple, but so important in this mod world.
  8. hmmmm nice idea, but with the CON of abuse AND!!! the work the admin has with this, I don´t think that admins want it that way.
  9. This all can be solved by a damagesystem for each weapon I think.
  10. lol, YES SimonRUS. Thats cool, like WoW + Ebay Gold selling ;) .. oh yes, ban him ;) lmao ... omg
  11. whats the DayZ group name in steam?
  12. stephansabath@t-online.de

    Semi Perma Death.

    Please dont do that, its killing the mods unique feeling. Try to survive! If you die, something went wrong and thats the point!
  13. I think you´re searching for HLSW , but keep in mind, if you start your game when you see 35/40 players in HLSW, it takes some time. If you search through the Arma2 browser, you´re allready in.
  14. stephansabath@t-online.de


    For sure, the grass is killing your frames! Please post your specs and maybe someone will help you with your settings.
  15. stephansabath@t-online.de


    I think you can´t, because you will have an advantage. It´s the same with HDR, you can´t turn it OFF because of the same advantage you will have, seeing other players/enemies.
  16. Yes, it´s annoying, but don´t spend too much time in it ;) Join another server and have fun und laugh at it :)
  17. hmm ok, let it say this way. You´re right, when we´re speaking bout the typical gameservers like CS 1.6, CS Source, CoD, BF3 .. etc. ... but there are rules here for Dayz servers said by the devs team. So i think it´s a bit different.
  18. My opinion is, that an admins has to proof the reason for a ban, not the player!
  19. Hmmm how does a boat look like, that can be used/repaired? Maybe someone can make screeshot.
  20. I'm embarrassed reading posts from people not getting that it´s ALPHA and claim a perfect 100% game, because they payed for ARME II CO. ALPHA, ALPHA, ALPHA ... plz get it!!!