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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. @Kyuuki We can see guys like you slashing the "enter" key, when the server is FULL! Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected Kyuuki connected Kyuuki disconnected
  2. Yes, I´m happy now, coz you didnt get it and don´t deserve to be an admin, imo.
  3. I remember a day, playin CS:Source. A server admin got 14x a headshot from me. The only reason was, I was fast, he was slow, I had the time to aim. He banned me a week. I asked him why at the forum, he answered "because I was pissed"!? When he would have said "I dont believe your skill, I think youre cheater (I´m defenetly not)" that would have been a reason, but saying "I was pissed"???. Long story short: Admins, be respectful to your players, be respectful to rules, because behaviour like I told above or in this thread, makes your server blank, empty ... you know what I mean? But also players, be respectful to others! the end ...
  4. Reaper, what do you expect? We are not in position to expect something. If this feature will come next week, what will you do? Slash at rocket because it was said "thursday"? Goerge Cloney in FroM Dusk Till Dawn: "Everybody, be cool. YOU, be cool!" ;)
  5. I think because it can get to wrong people?
  6. Is DayZ using the installed Arma2 CO language or is it using his own? I ask because i have Arma2 CO engl. steamversion installed and i have also the Arma2 X Anivers. Ed. German not yet installed. I wanted to play Arma2 CO in my language, so i bought the german version. Will DayZ mix the two languages, for example does "wood pile" exist in Arma2 CO? If it will not be mixed I will deinstall the steamversion and install the german retail version. Thanks for reply and regards
  7. The idea is pretty cool, but ... yes .. make a site without advertising.
  8. @Mojo "I understand that everyone playing Dayz should write in english on the server, but making a rule of it is absolutly killing or splitting the community, it will not work." THIS is the full sense! I use english, because I´m able to, but i don´t expect from others. I hope i said it right :(
  9. You can´t expect, that all people are good in speaking english. I´m from Germany and able to speak english, not that good, but it works for me. I understand that everyone playing Dayz should write in english on the server, but making a rule of it is absolutly killing or splitting the community, it will not work. Will you lock foreigners from the server, because they never learned English?! This thread is a shame, sorry to say that, this ignorance makes me puke.
  10. I like openworld games, where you can do what you want to, like: - two worlds 1 - Stalker series - Skyrim Yes, these are rpg/action rpgs, i know. The more I love DayZ!!! I can´t wait going home from work! :) :) :) It has the best of all 3 mentioned games without quests and thats good as it is ;)
  11. Does anyone know? To be sure, I know that DayZ is english now, but why? Own languagebase or using Arma2 installed language? Hope I made it a bit clearer.
  12. I think that isnt possible, because you got a unique ID from the gamekey. Correct me when I´m wrong. But I´ve got a question, too. How to change the ingame nick? <--- Steamuser Regards
  13. All for DayZ! But i will try Arma2 also. - I bought "Arma2 CO" via steam ... english LANG. - and i bought from Amazon "Arma2 X Aniv. Ed." german LANG. Happy, happy, happy !!! :)
  14. ... deleting players being offline four weeks or so. Don´t beat me now, maybe it´s a good idea for a little bit more "realism" or care and a "clean" Dayz data server. As im now 39 years old, i have RL, means I have a job, kids and not all the time to play. We all need vacation sometimes, one week, two or three, maybe more. As I know, the char is only forced to drink and eat instantly and can´t die being offline a week or more or never?!. What would happen when the character is forced to eat and drink to full health, to let the 4 week counter reset to start with 4 weeks again. If the player don´t do it, he will be autmaticaly deleted from the DayZ data server after 4 weeks. So the player has to care a bit more about his char and is forced to eat and drink to 12000 blood once in 4 weeks. What do you think about that?
  15. Thx @Dylan(Pezix), I think you got, what my thread was ment to be. Big THX
  16. ok, forget about it, seems to be a bad idea, so i say sorry :( you dont have to be rude. "AFK world trip = #1 survivor on survival scoreboard." this is also true. Anyone doing iRacing here? The best racesimulation ever? What do you have to do, to be good, fast and safe on a track? Right, practice. I was speaking about 1 hour in four weeks or better 6 month then. And as I said before: "Noone forces someone to play a game, it´s on your own". I dunno if you got me right. End of thread :(
  17. Ok, it´s just an idea :) Noone forces someone to play, it´s allways on your own.
  18. ... i was sneaking through the woods, searching for a good´n´safe spot to make a fireplace. It was heavily raining, thunder was scaring me that much, that i lost my matches three times while lightening the fire. I was cold, I was lonesome, but all in all i was safe. I had a drink or two, ate some beans and was near falling asleep, but suddenly ... Your turn! ;)
  19. I found a Flashlight, but hmmm is it working or not? I hold in my hand instead of the revolver and pressed "L", nothing worked. Batteries seem to be with it?!
  20. Yesterday i completely shut down my ARMA II, restarted and connected to a DayZ server. The big FPS drop was gone. I dunno if it was the restart or another server, that helped.
  21. Also HUGE FPS drop .. 60 before, now 20 and below i7 2600k @4,6GHz MSI GTX 580 Lightning @860 8GB 1600 DDR3 RAM
  22. Backpack bug/Issue? I dropped my backpack, to take the czech backpack lying there, but i could´nt take and I couldnt take my dropped backpack :(. Whats wrong?
  23. hmmm did I get it right? I do not die, when I´m OFFLINE a week during vacation?
  24. I had the same with the tent, but didn´t recognize it as bug, because I´ve been in the deep woods, flat place but surounded by trees. Maybe I/you have to try it on a lonesome road, only "try".
  25. +1 you got it! Bääääääääm :)