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T-Rex (DayZ)

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Everything posted by T-Rex (DayZ)

  1. I have also encountered this problem starting tonight. Was on US 3, running with no problems for about an hour or so. Was just going about business as usual, gathering food and refilling canteens. Had literally just finished refilling at a watering hole when the server crashed and dumped everyone off. Upon attempting to reconnect, I started getting this exact error and could not get on to -any- servers at this point. Just to emphasize, I changed absolutely nothing in between the point when the server crashed and when I attempted to go on. I had already downloaded and installed up to and had been successfully playing it for some time until the crash, at which point this error is now afflicting me and I cannot seem to fix it. I have twice re-download the files and reinstalled them, I even re-downloaded and reinstalled the latest beta patch but it has not fixed the problem. Player name: T-Rex Player ID: 714831
  2. T-Rex (DayZ)

    To the 3 guys in the church I killed...

    You don't even have to be a bandit to shoot first and talk later. To me a bandit is someone who deliberately goes out of their way to shoot people, for whatever reason (loot, giggles, whatever). We take no chances when it comes to contact with other players. We don't go out of our way to hunt people down typically, but any suspicious behavior or even an unannounced contact results in getting taken down hard. The rare few times we -do- make contact with people outside our group, the person being contacted is typically never aware we have someone extra sitting out of sight and ready to shoot them in an instant if they try something funny. We're not bandits, we're just cautious survivors, and we're not unique. This is something a lot of people do. Tricks like that fail pretty fast against folks in this category.
  3. T-Rex (DayZ)

    To the 3 guys in the church I killed...

    Up north, the solution when seeing somebody coming to you with a zombie horde on their tail is simple. Shoot them, then dispose of the horde. Nice and tidy and one dead potential scam-boy.
  4. T-Rex (DayZ)

    Do non-PK servers exist?

    You may want to also consider taking a look at some servers that have a higher level than regular listed. Don't let the fact that it's a higher "difficulty" scare you off. Frequently this means that features like 3rd person mode and crosshairs are disabled along with names showing up under your crosshairs. What it means is that it takes away a lot of the metagaming assists that many bandits use on regular servers to spot you when they couldn't do it in real life. Ie - No peeking over a wall without actually having to look over that wall. No seeing you coming through grass or bushy cover by simply putting their crosshairs over you as you approach and seeing your name, etc. The bad news is that bandits on "harder" servers tend to be more skilled. But it also means that there's often less of them. As many of the kiddy-bandits can't handle the loss of some of their required tools.
  5. T-Rex (DayZ)

    US Hardcore Servers

    I'm curious what the exact differences are between 'veteran' and 'expert' difficulty anyway? I frequently play on servers that are listed as veteran and we have things like no 3rd person, no reticle, no death notifications, no name tag under reticle (which is invisible anyway), etc. I'm aware that the listed skill level on the server list is just a loose guide. Is this actually closer to expert difficulty or are there more differences to be had?
  6. T-Rex (DayZ)

    US3 down?

    I'm assuming the good folks responsible for US3 are aware, but just in case I'd like to bring up that through all last night and into today I noticed that the US3 server seems to be stuck on 'creating'. Dunno if something's hiccuped or the like on the other end but just thought I'd mention it.
  7. T-Rex (DayZ)

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    I'll offer this post for information's sake based on the experiences of myself and the group that I run with since went live. My small group of four to five survivors runs almost exclusively at night time, with a few small forays during the day for limited supplies. We keep our town/airfield/etc runs to night time and typically come away with large amounts of supplies. We've put up some tents way out in the middle of hillbilly country and use it as our base camp from which we operate. During last night's run which began earlier in the night we encountered no initial problems and completed our town raid like clockwork, even picking up some of the new wood supplies along the way. Our team is exclusively outfitted in ALICE and COYOTE packs and we start out carrying little weight on our supply runs, so we had no shortage of fuel to take home after the trip. It wasn't until, as we began our return voyage, that we began to see issues. Our temperatures remained more or less steady, dropping rather slowly until it began to rain and we noticed a serious increase in the rate of drop. So we took cover in a barn in a hope to wait it out, get back to 100 and sprint for home. This is when we began to notice how incredibly slowly our temperatures began to increase. We were just thinking of lighting a fire to speed up the process when the rain stopped, so we set out again for home. Upon reaching base camp, it had began to rain again and we made it just in time to light a fire, when some of our members were almost into the 50's in temperature. Now we were able to get back up to 100 relatively quickly even with the campfire, but the rain continued to fall and the wood did not last very long, soon requiring us to start another fire, then another as the rain would not let up. Keep in mind we were at our base camp and not near any towns, and the tents provided no shelter from the rain. Our -only- source of heat was the campfires fueled by wood that seemed to last for too short a time before it needed to be refilled. The rain did not stop this entire time, and soon we were burning through our supply of firewood rapidly, waiting for the rain to stop. Even when it did let up briefly (it would restart again shortly after) our temperatures continued to rapidly drop if we were not in close proximety to the fire. The problem seemed to be that at this point, due to the rain coming at nighttime, our entire gameplay was brought to a screeching halt and we were unable to do anything but huddle down and twiddle our thumbs. I can imagine this would be the same for anyone in the game, regardless of affiliation. Survivors are not able to go out and look for supplies, food and water, bandits are not able to lie in ambush or go prowling for targets. we were literally hit by a huge upraised hand that said 'STOP PLAYING' and simply sat around and talked as we waited by the campfire. Eventually we couldn't even do that much, as our dwindling firewood made this impossible and we were forced to disconnect from the server to preserve our supplies. It's been said that people that server hop for loot/avoiding night/whatever is a problem, but we were literally forced into it in this case. The problem does not seem to be with the temperature system idea overall, or with the fact that wood is needed for fires, but the issue appears to be that the wood doesn't last long once you've lit it. In addition, unless you are sitting next to a fire, your temperature does not climb fast enough when you are in shelter. While I'm aware that the hotfix reduced the rate at which temperature drops, I believe it still too fast when you are assailed by both night time and rainfall simultaneously. If four well equipped players who planned ahead and brought back a surplus of wood are struggling to keep themselves warmed at their base camp during this time, how is a new survivor who barely has any equipment supposed to function? I'm hoping that the Hatchet that was mentioned will help fix this problem somewhat. If wood can be supplied from the surrounding trees, it becomes a much simpler matter of keeping warm even at night during a rainstorm. You can actually go 'on the move' and be able to set up campfire pit stops along the way. Another thought is that perhaps the rate at which temperature declines at night and during rain still needs to be tweaked ever so slightly. We're close, but there still seems to be some modification needed. I can't speak for experiences during the daytime, or when it rains during the daytime. Can those who've got some experience during these times maybe enlighten us with what their findings are? I can only speak of what we experienced last night. I think that's about it. Hopefully this can provide some information for people to mull over.