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Posts posted by Thillian

  1. Yah so I have actually been thinking alot about how you can get hit by zombies so many times without losing to much blood or such.

    One thing i'd love to see in the standalone is that every time you get hit by a zombie, you have to bandage and use one pill of antibiotics.

    But antibiotics are very rare.. something that could be done is to higher the chanse to find antibiotics and to make it so that in each little box, you have 10 pills that you can use until you have to find more.

    This would make the game a whole lot much harder but common, finally se could atleast make people worry about the zombies for once (the real problem) instead of just the players.

    Just an idea that would add a little more realism to the game..

    • Like 1

  2. Yeah well if I'd live close enough (for the connection part) I would love to team up with you. Im from Sweden and I normally play with a few friends but they never want to play, they're only playing boring games like C.O.D and shit.. ._.

    Just like Michaelvoodoo25 said, if someone's close to him, team up with the guy for some extreme zombie killing and Bandit hunting!

  3. +70.000

    but the Hero skin is bugged.

    Untill you reach 2500 humanity, you regenerate a little humanity while actively playing. However when you login as Hero, the debug monitor shows your humanity at 0, this means you'll regenerate additional 2500, which is added to your character's real humanity, evertime you play for an hour or two. The only difficulty getting the hero skin for regular survivors is getting from 2500 to 5000. After you go hero, you're generating +2500 each session, because the debug monitor is broken.

    Hmm dude I just logged in to check, and when i log in to DayZ with the debug monitor showing, it doesn't reset just like you said. I can put the debug monitor on one hour later and its still the same way (while being online for one hour).

  4. +70.000

    but the Hero skin is bugged.

    Untill you reach 2500 humanity, you regenerate a little humanity while actively playing. However when you login as Hero, the debug monitor shows your humanity at 0, this means you'll regenerate additional 2500, which is added to your character's real humanity, evertime you play for an hour or two. The only difficulty getting the hero skin for regular survivors is getting from 2500 to 5000. After you go hero, you're generating +2500 each session, because the debug monitor is broken.

    Aah okay well that explains it haha ^^

  5. I personally would drop the AS50 TWS, its pretty overpowered.

    This coming from a Hero though, I don't really shoot anyone so a high powered rifle like that is of no use to me.

    Yeah I kinda feel the same and I don't even like the scope.. I hope I come across a bandit with the normal AS50, because this scope is just overpowered..

  6. Hey everyone.

    I have seen many people discussing about the As50 TWS weapons and saying its an duped/hacked item. So here's the thing, I was just playing on DE 780, just spawned and i found a truck just standing still on Skalisty Island (on the front side of it).

    So I was like, damn there's got to be people there! Saw this boat on the shore so I took it and went to the little Island.

    Looted the truck that was having all kinds of stuff in it and I saw 1 AS50 an one AS50 TWS, so I was like: "Hmm.. The TWS has to be better" (had no clue why, I just saw the special scope).

    So what I did was I aborted from the game, searched for AS50 TWS but didn't find anything on DayZwiki. I searched on google and saw many people complain about it and saying it's a hacked weapon. I got worried, I don't really know what to do.. Could I have been banned now already? Even if I didn't hack it into the game? Im kind of worried atm..

    (Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this field and poor english.)

    Answers would be very appreciated.

  7. Its all totally separate. Different shortcuts are created to run a separate copy of the game. You cannot use the same mods so have to restart different flavours of arma to play the 2 different maps. Lingor is far better IMHO. Its completely not related.

    You need 2 new addon folders and a copy of your shortcut specifying only the 2 new mods. If you cant manage the install then i dunno.

    go to page:



    Heres a post i made on another forum:

    link here again:

    http://dayzlingor.tk... ... f96b8edb51

    click on the torrent for the 34 FULL

    Put the downloaded torrent folders @dayz_lingor and the 2nd one in your main arma folder (same one that has @dayz in it)

    download latest arma2oa beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and install it.

    create a batch .bat file that contains (change path as necessary)

    cd /D "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead"

    "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching "-mod=C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;expansion;expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@dayz_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island"

    run batch file - runs arma (with dayzlingor displayed on splash screen) and search for dayzlingor.tz in server filter in MP.

    Aah okay well awesome dude, the thing is i searched for those questions alot but never got any answers. Well if its two different mods totally then nice, my old character won't get changed

  8. Hey, I'm kind of new to DayZ, I have been playing for a maximum of 2 weeks and now I just saw everything about Lingor Island.

    The thing is, I really want to try it out but im afraid of jumping into a Lingor Island server.

    Okay lets go right to it. What happens if I have my gear on and I join a server with Lingor Island, do I keep my items/kills/humanity and so on? How do I even get there?

    Is it like Lingor Island and Chernarus on the same map? Or is it to separate maps?

    What about if i get disconnected on Lingor Island and join a server with Chernarus only?

    Can i join a Chernarus Island server again after going back from Lingor Island and keep my items?

    I know its many questions but yet again its because im kinda new but i'd be very happy for a few answers.

    Thanks and have a nice day you all!
