I was reading through the posts the other day and ran across a player that wanted to get his/her hero skin. The only hitch was that they had such a huge deficit in their humanity score, it would take a long time to accomplish. Most of the replies were of the "Karma is a Bitch" and "Actions have consequences" variety. True enough. I felt no pity for that player and his/her dilemma. But, the post got me thinking about Humanity Scores in general and most specifically In Real Life. What would my score be? Surely I would have my hero skin by now....LOL. I am old enough to have overcome most of the stupidity of my youth. Also, what would some of the actions be that would cause my humanity to go up/down (other than the obvious ones like murder etc.)? How much humanity would I lose for running a red light and nearly causing an accident? How much would I gain for volunteering for a Habitat for Humanity project? How much would I lose for prank calling someone? How much would I gain for holding the door open for someone? What would I lose if all I did was Troll forums all day? And the real question, Would having my humanity score, tattooed on my wrist for the world to see, change the way I live my life? I would like to hear some of your suggestions/comments on the topic. I apologize in advance if this seems boring to you...I was just curious and thought I would through it out there for discussion.