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Posts posted by Mikrio

  1. Name: Dylan

    in-game name:kakashi<3


    Location: Melbourne/Australia

    what games i play hmm well anything i can get my hands on from stronghold 2 to battlefield 3 been gaming since the days of halo when i was a little kid even remember playing some n64 games :")

    Experience on day/gaming well i been playing dayZ for bloody ages now i started off like a nub like everyone else expect i had a edge, i play arma 2 alot in my spare time and i love it so while everyone was figuring out what button does what i knew what did what, further more i would have to say i have been around the whole map around 30+ times (im normally a solo player) but sometimes i play with a friend of mine we work well as a team, know most of the car and boat spawns of by heart (not that i have been able to get a dam car every thing has been hoarded,

    why i want to join: well being a solo player (sometimes one or two people join me) can get really boring after all ive done pretty much all there is to day in dayZ even partyed with a few clans to help do operations like raiding camps and such and trading although im not the perfect dayZ player in a allright one i like to let noobs live last thing we need is they rage quiting and never coming back i only kill other players if they shoot at me first, and ive gotten off topic abit >.> sorry i do that. Well i would like to join so i could be part of something bigger something like if you were to play blue hohei without all the tkers and whatnot. and there it is hope you enjoyed reading this shit of not balls to you -kakashi <3
