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Everything posted by devilsnight

  1. Updated Post with SUPER easy installation guide. Feel free to ask me questions
  2. Interesting how its a mix of opinions, yet chernarus is the winning one. How do I make a pole? My friends and I are in the process of building the Chernarus server right now. Its up and running but we have to test it.
  3. Remote Connect IP port 2302 Teamspeak Address gibroz.dlinkddns.com We have a lot of friendlies on here. Come on in. Very few bandits. Hacks are controlled. Hackers are kicked.
  4. well...I wont GIVE you. but you can jump in and get 1 of the 80 cars and earn your weapons
  5. If we host a chernarus map and control hacking and glitching and duping. Will you guys play there?
  6. Come join us! come in now, build up your gear and get ready to hunt/be a traitor. lol or a nice player
  7. You can join yes. Come on in! you dont need to trade anything! There are 3 choppers on our server and more vehicles than you need! good action at times! lots of fun. Just want more bandits on it.
  8. man.. with all this chernarus love. Im starting to think maybe a custom chernarus private map would be a good choice.
  9. devilsnight

    Looking for a few like minded clans

    lets do it! We have a nice consistent group of people that play together. Come in and check us out, this is Lingor Island! 80+ vehicles and 3 choppers. Lots of action! port 2302 also have teamspeak IP if you and your teamates need a place to talk/communicate
  10. Come on in! We updated! now there's many many more vehicles! We will be expanding onto more hives.
  11. Hahahah Sent from toilet! LOL Thanks Kerplex! Come on in. We have a few in here now on teamspeak. Any issues let me know, we can help you get it running.
  12. Bump! Come play! 40 vehicles! You start with a makarov and 1 mag and a tent!