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Everything posted by sar875

  1. I find this unfair Brochacho is friend with admin and the other guy with whom he raided our camp Our clan members are getting banned one by one for random reason and wrongly accused of hacking The admin is bias toward his friends of course, who would believe a stranger over a friend. But srsly banning someone with sole reason (asshole) Seem uncalled for. Now I asked myself this. You assumed it was our chopper. Or so u said. Where did you find it Was it hidden somewhere or u found the spawn and repaired it. Is it possible it was indeed hacked and since i died in it it logged me And not you since you just flew it I am not pointing fingers here. You might just has well found the chopper like i did. It is quite ironic that for hours on our teamspeak we were mainly speaking about running away from the hackers chasing us Irony that WE are branded has the hackers in this story
  2. Furthermore I play in a respecful manner and never did anything that I know to be illigal as per rocket. I have nothing to hide and will gladly answer any question over the matter fully I find this is turning into a witch hunt over the QC clan members with sole argument that a new member was a hacker Yet that member was kicked from the clan when we realized he was hacking.
  3. Id like to know how i showed up in the logs. All i did that day was to get back to camp with my bike. Shoot that guy that came with the chopper I took his AS50 and range finder from his body hide the rest with the body Took a l85 from one of the tents and went looking for the chopper I didnt dupe or hack or anything. So the reason for my ban is coming from either the chopper Or the weapon from the body because we used the weapons from the tents before no problem If not id like to know why because i have no clue myself. Im sorry but as per rocket I cant be held responsible if I used a hacked vehicle or weapon my mistake. I refuse to take anything I know is hacked like thermal as50 or that radio on the guy i killed. As an admit yes you own the server but you have to follow the rules set by rocket. I would like a clear answer as to why i was banned I dont care if you dont want us back I wont be flagged as a hacker for no reason. If a formal complaint must be made ill
  4. Very funny, I logged in and made my way back to camp, not 2 minutes after I got there you flew over with the chopper (as if you could track us). Shot your friend in the head with my M14SD and you left. More clan members logged in and we heard the chopper fly over again. I followed the sound and found the chopper landed about 5000m north of our camp near a tent. Took it and made my way back to camp where I was shot down while landing and died. I logged back and wow, banned. Flying that chopper was the only thing I did that could explain the ban since I didn't use any "new" vehicles other than the clan's owned ones same goes with the gear. It is safe to assume the chopper was probably hacked and I got banned because it showed on the logs I used it. I find it hard to believe joe random would join the server, find a chopper, fly it all day, plus your saying it was our chopper which is quite a lie, since we were looking for it yet didn't find it yet. Then you found the camp a minute or so after I got there as if you had hacks to track people. I shot your friend and when I checked the body I saw that he had ALL the gear, NVG, range finder, as50, m14sd, camo ANNNND a radio ???? (since when is there a radio in DAYZ). I found it very suspicious to start with, the rest pretty much confirm what I thought.
  5. Âge:25 Nom in-game: Simon Nom steam:dickin81 Quand êtes vous en ligne:Assez souvent. Par dheures fixes Avez vous un micro: Oui Depuis quand jouez vous à DayZ: Depuis le debut du mod Votre rôle préféré (Sniper, pilote, etc, etc): Sniper, Recon, Pilote. Arme préféré: CW, M24 ou AS50 Humanité (Bandit/Survivant/Héros): Bandit Skype : Oui