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Cactus (DayZ)

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About Cactus (DayZ)

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  1. I miss the good ol' days when the Germans and the English were having a go at each other and when the two Americans culled an entire herd of Canadian butt :)
  2. <p> I would not read too much into that.The admins are merely being helpful.They have been times when I have been on TS with the admins about one issue or another with the server.They will usually check the database and tell you what is happening by elaborating in more detail.....just to reassure everything is OK.There is nothing sinister about all that.In my personal experiences with the admins on Wireworld, all of them are on the level.I believe your misgivings stem from unhappiness with your incident with the Babo Clan.To be frank, I think you are taking it too personally with everyone.Infy and the rest of the Babo have been with Wireworld a long time and I consider them a welcomed and important presence.Certainly, many people come and go but the ones who stay and build themselves a home here, they get along well with everyone and they do not make waves.I never heard the guy complain even once when I was at Wireworld. I guess Germans tend to be a bit more stoic about adversity.Seriously, if I had been in your position, I will be happy with the outcome of that firefight.You were one guy totally outnumbered and went up against the Babo Clan who had air support.And you took down their chopper and killed a bunch of their guys.Statistically you were not even meant to have a chance against those kind of odds.It is no small thing to have gone as far as you did.So do not let self-entitlement ruin an otherwise memorable occasion.To Infy's credit, he did hold out an Olive Branch to smooth out any misunderstanding and he did offer you back all your gear and hoping to shake hands.Be magnanimous about it, man. It was a good fight. They showed grace in the end and its commendable.I would have shaken their hands instead of burning bridges. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Safe to say, you are a crappy pilot Chris ;) Put me in the driving seat of that Huey and that off-road will have about the same chance of a snowball in Hell. One indicator is if you still need to use Auto-hover to land, then you are probably still somewhat wet behind the ears with the whirly birds :D Check out Dslyecxi. Now that's the way to fly :-
  4. I'm whitelisted and playing at the BMRF Private Hives now. They run a very tight ship and their servers are always popular. They don't have TS though and nothing comparable to the personable rapport of the kind that you get from direct TS in Wireworld.
  5. Not me. Don't know zigzag although I have seen him on TS. He's that guy from Hong Kong, if I'm not mistaken. At least now you know not to trust him...maybe next time shoot him on sight :) I usually run solo teaming up occasionally with a few regulars. Managed to login today before the pings went through the roof. Cleared my tents and packed them up. Left all the contents under a tree. Everything should be gone by now with the last restart. It was mostly Infy's stuff. Came from the desert tan Land Rover I stole from him on 13th February.....a whole bunch of scrap metal, several fuel tank parts....I think two engine blocks and assorted items. Back then, we were the only players on server and he drove past me in Electro barely 30 metres away. Almost took a shot at him but he turn at the critical moment and I didn't have a shot. Don't think he even knew I was there. He drove a shortways until I could not hear his engine and then he logged out. The server restarted 2 minutes later. I guess he could have only stashed it somewhere close to Electro. Went looking for it and found it parked inside a barn. :) Before we had that last database wipe, I still like to know who parked that yellow Ural near their tent North of the Blackforest. That tent had DMR, mags, NVG, food etc. Naturally I cleaned everything out and loaded everything on the Ural. I dumped the Ural on the Polana main road but nobody claimed it after I came back 4 hours later. So I drove it to the open fields South of Berezino and someone did claim it the next day ... :) Going to to miss Wireworld. Had some good times on this server..
  6. Hi Mac. Good to hear from you. I am glad you are on the mend. Sadly, I will have to call it quits with GB Wireworld. For the past week, my pings on the server have consistently skyrocketed to 390 to 400+ triggering an autokick. It was in the 190s to low 200s before this given my location in Asia. Now, there are short spells of 300 when I can rejoin but too few and far in between. I do not know what has changed. Perhaps the server routing ? Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time on the server from Day 01. It is a great bunch of guys with the servers veterans, in particular, standing out for their friendly rapport, quiet efficiency in getting things done, and playing the game as it should. To name a few of the luninaries :- Papa, Chris, Barry Bandit and their group of BigBadBeanBandits, Airmessy, Phil, the Germans of the [babo] Clan with Infy & Faffy, the NWA group and, while it lasted, my time running with Capn America. Thanks for saving my butt with that medical run in the Huey after I broke my leg. I enjoyed sharing the server with you all. To all the potential members who are currently sitting on the sidelines, let me reassure you all that GB Wireworld is made up of a backbone of vets (some of whom I have already mentioned} and hands-on mods who will continue to administer the server properly and remain a persistent presence. From time to time, GB will have a turnover of new intakes. The majority will stay and enjoy their time here. The ones that don't are the loud and obnoxious prima donnas...new guys that join the server and start complaining about anything and everything. They are a temporary presence and not the first time we have seen them. Unlike the vets, the prima donnas never stay long with the server nor contribute anything constructive to the core server community. Most of these prima donnas leave after a short stint to continue their carreers as foghorns on shipdecks...because they have big noisy mouths. :D If things permit, during short lulls when the pings are playable, I will come into the server and clear out my tents and leave as small a footprint before signing off. I have a new home in another Private Hive. Thanks for having me onboard and may GB Wireworld live long and prosper.
  7. Sorry to hear this Mac. I hope what's troubling you get remedied quickly and a full recovery soon. Do keep us updated when you are able. Take care.
  8. If you are convinced you are wronged, you should have worked closely with the admin by keeping the communication channels open with him and letting the investigative process take its course in a discrete and orderly manner. What Cpt_America alleged and said loudly about you in public is irrelevant in so far as Mac will not accept anything as truth until he has a reasonable opportunity to complete the investigation. If it was firmly established that certain people were lying, then no doubt Mac will clear matters up promptly and publicly. The whole idea that anyone of you can pre-empt any ongoing investigation by a premature public airing of dirty laundry puts you all in bad light because you are effectively taking matters into your own hands and compromising the admin's prerogative and denying him an opportunity to sort out the issues in a server that belongs to HIM and NOT TO YOU. Go back and read some of your vitriol. Going ballistic as you did in the forum and vilifying the good name of the community by saying all that you said just because you wanted a public tit-for-tat against Cpt America makes you no different from him. Both of you took matters into your own hands. He hacked the server when fully aware it is illegal to do so and then gloated about it after he was caught. You then try to out-match him in stupidity by sinking to the same level of public melodrama and then you cap it all off by telling people not to come to this server. Hell of way to campaign for sympathy and protect your name. More than anything, folks are now in no position to believe you with the way you acted.
  9. You are missing the point. From what I understood through comments posted by admins, ...you, your group and your protaganist were booted from Wireworld for your overall conduct in handling this matter, which is quite aside from any allegations of hacking. If there are pending allegations or accusations of wrongdoing, you could very well have displayed some sangfroid and discretely put your case to the admin in a cool, composed and controlled manner. After all, this really is your OWN little private war and vendetta with your protaganist, with whom you felled out of favour when you were both in the same clan. It does not involve the larger community of DayZ Wireworld who are perfectly happy being on this server. However, the both of you chose to bypass any opportunity for quietly resolving issues. Instead, the both of you turn the server, and then this forum, into a public f**k fest, including :- - engaging in one-upmanship by publicly gloating over the banning of one group and open admission to the use of hacks - making disparaging remarks about the impartiality of the admins without having given admins reasonable opportunity to work closely with the aggrieved parties - making misleading and baseless remarks regarding the propreity of this server in the hope of discouraging potential members from joining. By imputation those comments are detrimental and unfairly prejudice the quiet majority of members here who have invested their time and are perfectly happy with the server's administration. To me, the decision to ban both your group and your nemesis is a no-brainer. The way you both conducted yourselves makes your position untenable. You dug your own grave and you only have yourself to blame. Goodbye
  10. Likely it was you who parachuted out before crashing the thing :)
  11. Well done Mac. That was a good decision and appropriate punishment for all parties concerned. Nice to have closure to this incident. The soap opera was getting tiresome. With so many whitelisters and 30+ players at peak Wireworld hours daily, one should not lose sight that we have no grievances from the quiet majority. It fell on on a couple of individuals (who play mainly during off peak hours) to allow their private personality feud to spill over into the public arena with loud, obnoxious rants, illegal exploits and disingenuous self-righteousness. Most unbecoming. As most of you who have been regulars here are no doubt aware, this is an exceptionally well administered server with responsible and approachable admins where decisions are made after weighing all considerations fairly and factually. Mac's good track record and that of the server pretty much speak for themselves. But we will always get comments from disgruntled people who attempt to paint the venue in a bad light after they were banned for doing something bad. These are the very same inconsiderate folks who have made public servers a cesspool of decay and one reason why most of us have migrated to private hives like Wireworld where we expect admins to come down hard on any form of anarchy. When we see admins here exercising their powers, it is an acknowledgement that they are active and on the job however thankless the duty may be such that we may continue to enjoy the server. When you don't see any admin presence, that's the time when you should start worrying. Gentlemen, I think it is time we get back to discussing and enjoying DayZ in the manner it was meant to be. Please move along and do not feed the trolls. They will soon fade away once they tire of listening to the sounds of the own voices.
  12. I did not see a former feature in the new changelog, but have they retain the anti-food spamming features ? In other words, do we still need to wait a certain time after eating before we can take in additional food and how long do we wait between meals ?
  13. Hiya Captain America, How's our vehicle park? Still secure ?
  14. That forest west/NW from where you parked usually get its share of folks pitching tents and parking cars and this is why I was nosing around in the vicinity. Don't know why people still think that forest to be secure. It's quiet but not uniquely secret by any stretch :) It is a regular drop off point on the servers I play before I joined DayZ Wireworld. I guess people will carry their predispositions with them wherever they go and I found stuff and vehicles there, even on Wireworld :) To be honest, I'm running out of good ideas where to hide vehicles. There's really no more really secret places left on Chernaurus, especially not with that whirly-bird hovering overhead. One of my SimHQ.com guys saw the Huey overfly your 'quiet' spot yesterday, so it's probably not just me snooping around now. I'm more partial to tents to keep hold of the important stuff. Vehicles just get stolen real quick. I left all your stuff in the van because I really don't need any of it. I did repair all the wheels and engine though because the engine was almost red where you parked it. That bright blue bodywork color...Just hard to hide it, even amongst trees. Be back at Wireworld DayZ this Friday once I get all my work sorted out.
  15. Just a thought on the mandatory TS participation. Personally I do not think it a problem and I cannot understand why this is such a source of consternation with so many people. You can be on TS but, beyond that basic requirment, you can choose to be as sociable or as aloof as you wish. No one is forcing you to engage in conversations. You can simply sit on a channel, mute your hardware and just be in your cocoon. Don't see anything draconian with the ruling and it is just Mac's good intentions to foster a community. I have been on regularly enough to notice that Mac makes it a point to visit each channel individually to greet players and engage in admin/player 'back and forth' sitreps I am happy for such levels of interpersonal pro-activeness......something that has been sorely lacking in most DayZ servers. As a plus, I see a lot of problems getting fixed on a timely basis, eg. the recent lack of heli crash spawns got rectified because we have a direct channel of comms with the admin. For me, I find it a more rewarding experience to be able to interact with some of the people on server. At any given time, you can at most be with one TS group. Everyone else is considered fair game so there's still plenty of unknown/hostiles PvP within the spirit of the game. So where's the grievance, fellas ? As for the recent incident with that group who got de-whitelisted, I am not involved in any of the investigative processes but I was on TS a couple of nights previously when I overheard the matter being discussed amongst the admin and players. From what I heard, every opportunity was offered to the de-whitelisted individuals to cooperate and work together to clarify matters, but as it transpired, they chose not to be forthcoming. This really does not help their case. If you are given an opportunity to clarify your position and misunderstandings, if any, then have some grace and maturity to work with people who are genuinely trying to mediate the situation and get to the bottom of things. Reacting with evasiveness and antagonism won't gain you any sympathy. It just makes you look more iffy and suspicious than you already are. I don't think Mac work hard at creating this server and community just to ban people for being too successful or dominant at the game. To say otherwise is some f*cked up logic. PS:- Far from being bitter about things, everyone loses character and stuff over time. I found 3 cars last week just by hoofing around on foot. I abandoned one (a crappy and slow grey beat-up sedan with a helo rotor in the boot. To the owner who had been driving this around and hiding it. you got bad taste in cars), and then I kept one and gave the third to another group who saved my butt after I broke my leg. By the way, Phil, it was me who took your S1203 Blue Van. I'm surprised you parked it so openly :) Hid it in several spots over the course of a few days and finally in a place I though no one would look....boy! Was I wrong. To the thieving bast*rd(s) who stole it, no, I am not bitter....it was a stolen van in the first place and all that sh*t in the boot was actually Phil's (or maybe it belonged to the guy that Phil stole from) ;). As for that camo Land Rover that went missing from the North-West forests, yeah it was me and another guy who found it and stole it on a recon flight with a Huey (which was also stolen from him the next day LOL). We thought this Land Rover might have belonged to the NWA group or maybe Infy. In any case, a big up-yours for hiding it so well, (but not well enough apparently) and thanks for the free wheels. You could have at least stocked the boot with better loot instead of that crap you put in it. Hope my friends still have that Rover. I'm back on foot now. Easy come, easy go.