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About ThePilgrim101

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  1. ThePilgrim101

    2nd Infantry Company Now Recruiting for Origins.

    I'm already on the server and would like to not get shot, therefore I would like to join.
  2. ThePilgrim101

    Actual Constructive Feedback for 1.7.7

    I agree with you. I seriously don't understand why people don't work together. If every time I got on direct comms and said, "I'm friendly, dude," the other player said, "me too! =D" and we went on an epic quest for survival, that would be really cool. The problem is that's not how it happens. That's fine: DayZ is a sandbox and it shouldn't always happen like that, but a new player is pretty much screwed for a good couple hours, especially while they're learning the intricacies of the game. That simple inference is what people are really worried about; they don't want the game to become impossible to access to new players. Personally, I don't think the infection is what is going to be what upsets games. I've never been infected, and I personally wouldn't mind to get infected so I could experience that. However, I do agree that DayZ currently has the same problem as MineCraft: it seriously rewards explanation, but a brand-new player is *never* going to have a chance because there are so many nuances and intricacies that are unspoken and - unless you google it - you don't really know about. True, DayZ has a read me, but something more prominent might help. tl;dr = Infection is fine. Game just needs more teaching to it.
  3. ThePilgrim101

    If you die in Dayz as a Hero...

    It's a tough question, to be sure. The way I see it, you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
  4. ThePilgrim101

    AS50 Near Death Experience

    And there's a shit-ton of loot inflation with the non-saving tents. Everyone and their grandma can join a clan and get a Ghillie, As50, and NVGs that they don't know how to use effectively.
  5. Oh, absolutely. It also shouldn't be played by anyone who doesn't have a high-end GPU and CPU, or less than a 20 Mbps down, 5Mbps up connection. :| You're not serious are you?
  6. ThePilgrim101

    looking for group

    I can't find your TS3 channel.
  7. ThePilgrim101

    Looking to join a group or clan.

    I'm thinking of hopping on soon, if you don't mind a scruffy bambi joining you for a bit. After running into a group of four and only being able to take one, strength in numbers sounds good,
  8. ThePilgrim101

    =UWS= United We Stand ~ RECRUITING (Est. 2003)

    Hey, are you guys still looking for people to play DayZ/BF3 with? I play both and would love to get some gameplay/footage tonight :D
  9. ThePilgrim101

    fairly New guy looking for a clan or team to join.

    I'm thinking of getting on in a few. Skype/Steam: ThePilgrim101
  10. ThePilgrim101

    Small group looking for one or two more

    Thank you, Ghost, for your brilliant opinion. I bet you also KoS, right?
  11. ThePilgrim101

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    EDIT: Should have read the OP closer. Keep up the great work, Dr =)
  12. I don't kill on site. I just don't say friendly anymore. The word doesn't mean anything. "You can have a bullet to the brain, or a can of beans" is a much better opening line.
  13. ThePilgrim101

    Need someone to join up with.

    I'm on the US and also use Skype. Look me up in a couple days. Busy forcing my friend to get some morphine for me since he broke my effing leg.
  14. ThePilgrim101

    A Serious Moral Dilemma

    I was playing with a buddy of mine today. We're both scrubs, and it took us a good couple hours to meet up. We find each other, out in the middle of a forest, and we find some shotguns. Naturally we think we own the f$#%ing server. So we're rolling out, and neither of us have a map, so we're alt-tabbing out to web-browser to check a map because we don't know this map front and back yet. Now, we notice that if we're not careful, we may fire when we alt-tab back to the game client. Now, we have this conversation five or six times: "Hey man, make sure to be careful when you alt-in so we don't shoot each other and try not to stand in front of someone who's alting." So, we say this, and what does he do? He alts to the map right behind me, alts in, and shoots me in the leg and breaks it. The Moral Issue is this: Is the right course of action, after all that, to blow his head off with a shotgun?
  15. ThePilgrim101

    A little lonley out here.

    If you're willing to spare some morphine and evolve me from a worm, I'll definitely squad up.