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About Dansterr

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  1. Whenever i try to download and install the lingor patch through Dayz commander, it gets to about 70% then says 'end of filestream ' or something along those lines, even when i copied my friends files it still wanted me to download it. how can i play lingor without having to install throufh commander?
  2. Not naming anyone, or the server you were on, and not realising theres random kicks constantly happening to people on every server
  3. Dansterr

    Waaay to much rain in DayZ

    Haha i find it can rain a few times a day for like 30 mins each time, but if your really pissing your panties about it just change servers ?? its not that big a deal imo
  4. Yeah for me Shift + -flush has a 10% chance of fixing it or a 90% chance of making it a shitload worse
  5. Dansterr

    Vehicle Customisation

    Personally i think this is a fantastic idea
  6. hahaha idiot, hear the guy saying "zig zag" we were shooting beside him so he would run.. learn to listen
  7. Dansterr

    DayZ Hacker Videos

  8. I heard someone popping off shots in the hanger so i went to investigate, saw a guy and popped 30 rounds into his head but he didnt seem to die.
  9. Dansterr

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    They used to be terrible, but they were fixed , however i still find myself 'sprinting' and have zombies catching up to me and stopping for a few steps because they are going too fast. most of the time it seems ok though
  10. Hi i tried searching but couldnt find many topics on this. I think the respawn feature should be brought back. Mainly because when a player dies and spawns somewhere like Krutoy cap or kamenka it just makes them mad ( i know it makes me angry) so i quit for a few days, but when we could just 'click respawn' it was a whole lot more fun, the game had a faster pace and was more intense. not knowing if the person you just killed respawned back beside you or 100 miles away. I dont quite understand why this feature was removed in the first place, could someone please tell me?
  11. Dansterr

    Triple Crashed helis, WITHIN 500 METERS

    Well if you found your 4th heli ever and wanted to loot it fast without being shot and making lots of gunshots wouldnt you? it only took 2 seconds to load back in so im not fussed. i guarantee you have done that when a player shoots at you and its not a "death dodge" to avoid dying, its simply just to save time
  12. Dansterr

    Triple Crashed helis, WITHIN 500 METERS

    Howcome? I mean, i seem to find a M4A1 of some type each time i spawn a new character, and this was the first time ever seeing one of these so i was keen to try it out. i looked up the stats and it seems better? like it does 4x the damage and has a effective range 2x higher, but maybe im missing something?
  13. Dansterr

    Triple Crashed helis, WITHIN 500 METERS

    Yeah i wanted to, but it doesnt do enough damage (compared to the FN FAL) and i was running out of ammo, the fn fal i gained about 10 mags for and it does ALOT more damage . Also i have a M9 SD so i can use that for stealth shooting , and besides, i swear i put it back into my bag :P
  14. Dansterr

    Triple Crashed helis, WITHIN 500 METERS

    The first one was only my 2nd find ever ( and the first one ever was empty) so i was so happy :D
  15. Dansterr

    Day Z Videos

    3 crashed helicopters within 5 mins.