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Posts posted by Moto95

  1. Hi, we have a server (private bliss hive) and are working on getting multiple maps up.

    as it stands we have a small group and are looking to expand. we will NOT hand out admin privs, but you have the chance to play WITH us and avoid douchebaggery.

    im looking for skilled players, at least a month or so of experience, and not CURRENTLY hacking the hell out of the game.

    bandit, noobmedic i dont care, just be a GOOD player with a good attitude

    add me on Steam Motofox

  2. short & sweet.

    dont be an asshat. (no one likes to play with people they dont like, fun is #1)

    dont be a noob (need players who are knowledgeable and can be an asset to the team)

    dont try to run shit (chiefs & indians)

    We would like to get a few more people into our "group"

    were not bandits OR hero's. were survivors, and we survive.

    we DO raid, organized "hunts" and generally raise hell

    most of us are US based, but we have limeys and palmys running amok.

    we have our own server (pretty generic normal-hive server for general gameplay)

    we dont have set ranks, times or rules.

    get along with everyone in the teamspeak.


    MATURE - 18+

    add me on steam, Motoeagle

  3. Heya, ill keep it short and sweet.

    Theres a few of us (3-8 online on a random night) who wouldnt mind there being more of us.

    Mostly to roll in bigger numbers, a group of 8 consistantly would be nice so we may raid in bigger numbers.

    we have a server

    we dont hack

    we range from "hero's" to "shoot on sight bandits" (mostly shoot)

    we screw around (who doesnt like to jump atv's off mountains)

    we raid (serious time, tatical, no-schmucks)

    you need some experience (dont be the guy who somehow is unconcious and bleeding out because he couldnt handle the zombies he pulled)

    you need general DayZ knowledge (loot, vehicles, navigation)

    you need to be willing to learn AND teach.

    you need to be chill. (no one wants to game with a douchebag)

    I'll say we'll certainly talk with you before we just say "get in", to make sure youre not a danger to yourself or us. Mostly us...

    Add me on steam - Motofox
