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Everything posted by creamyblood

  1. This is just an FYI as this was one of the rare times I wasn't recording video so there's nothing to see. I was just leaving the north end of Khelm when I was instantly teleported into a warehouse. There was at least one guy shooting at me but I managed to abort. I logged into another server and found I was in a warehouse at the east end of the Balota Airstrip and was bleeding out at 7000 blood. I had a bandage and survived. All of my other gear was intact. It's too bad as US 88 has been hacker-free for weeks as far as I know. I was also one of those that got mass-killed last Wednesday (July 18th) and it looks like there have been a few other reports of hacking on this server.
  2. If you don't have basic file handling skills and can't monitor two sites for information on the latest builds then why would you expect to play an Alpha? Anyways, the Beta installed fine, the BattleEye update installer worked fine as well. Didn't need to manually add the DLL's. Logged into two different servers running the proper beta and was in the same location and had all my gear. I'm wearing civies so don't know anything about what happens if using camo or guillie suits.
  3. creamyblood

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Oh for fucks sakes. Even though he's from a colony of the British Empire and should know how to speak the Queens English, he's from New Zeeeeeeeeland. Of course he can't pronounce Zed properly. I call it Daze. You might call it Day Zed. But he made the mod and is on record many times as calling it Daisy. Like a beautiful flower or a pretty girl from Southern Alabama. So that is that. It's Daisy.
  4. creamyblood

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Three of us tried logging in a few hours ago. We only look for servers that are veteran/expert with 3rd:off/ch:off and have Arma2 beta v94444. Two of us got the 'waiting to create character' on the five or six servers that we tried. Another got into a server. He was wearing a Ghillie and spawned 3km west of the map. He lost his L85 but didn't bitch, "because it's just a gun and everyone else lost theirs too". All of his other inventory was intact and he made it back to the map. I reverted to and was able to login with all inventory intact at my exact last location. I'll try again later once NA goes to bed.
  5. creamyblood

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    I'm not sure but it seems that vehicle inventories get arbitrarily wiped. For the last few weeks I've found no rhyme or reason for it. Some vehicles will definately get wiped on a server restart. Others will last a few days, or a week, but if you move them, the next server restart may wipe it clean. I suppose some of them could have been raided and had every item dropped, but that seems unlikely with how often it happens. As far as I can tell, there is no way of knowing which vehicle will retain it's inventory for any length of time. None of mine are ever off map. I wish there was a way of tracking or showing this as it can happen over several days or only hours. Does it depend on the Arma2 beta the server is running? Has anyone else found that vehicle inventories are less dependable than tents? I still have a couple of tents up that retain their inventories indefinately, even though I've died a few times. Other tents are known to 'eat' stuff, so I don't use them. Haven't found a new tent in the store for over a week so not sure how they work.
  6. creamyblood

    US 88 Server Info and Discussion - EndDayZ

    Hi there, Not that anyone reads this, but I'd like to apologize for possibly implying that US 88 is full of cheaters. I think it's a bug in the game and vehicles are seriously fucked at the moment. I've been using this server as a home base for awhile now and appreciate it. Thanks for that, I'm having a good time. If we ever cross paths in-game I'll try not to shoot you. Cheers! EDIT: There are now two US 88 servers. What's going on? The new one is a pussy server: US 88 Seattle (v7.1.5) Beta 93825 [3dp:on ch:on] UTC-7 Hosted by Xtremepussy. US 88 Texas (v7.1.5/Beta 94364) [VETERAN CH:OFF 3DP:OFF] [GMT-9] Hosted by AdenFk (this is the real server)
  7. creamyblood


    Run to the hills. If you can't figure it out after a few deaths then move on to something else. It's pretty simple stuff when you get right down to it. If you're able to log on to a forum and bitch about it you probably have enough brains to figure out that your current strategy isn't getting you anywhere. What else can anyone say? Some of us are quite bored with the shlock that has been shoveled out to us in the last eight years. If this isn't your thing then go buy the latest and greatest. Have fun. I'm amazed. You're not. Who cares? Some of us have something close to a real game for change. Let's keep it that way.
  8. creamyblood

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    I find cars because I'm trying to stash one. It's like getting two for one. We don't go off map. Pretend you are trying to hide a car, you just might find one. Every glint in your eye is probably the odd way the light is shining through the trees. But sometimes, it's a vehicle. Go get it. See what's in it. Get adrenaline, call your friend to help you out. I'm always scared but I love driving away with it all and freaking out. Go do it. Or, take that thrill away from me. Little girl.
  9. creamyblood


    Not to plug my video which I made a few patches back when we started with guns but I still use most of the same principles. I've died many times since the 'no gun' patch and usually make it on my own. Sometimes I get killed two or three times before I can get away from the coast but I always get back in the saddle and eventually nicely equipped again. I suppose it takes a bit of patience and some good luck but it's doable. I've had two Day 6 characters and a few over Day 3 or 4. Regardless, I can get off the coast and equipped with food, water, some tools and a primary and secondary weapon within a few hours. It might take a couple of deaths but it's doable. Try the video, it might help, people play this game in many different ways. Dayz Tutorial for Noobs by a Noob
  10. creamyblood

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    I've also had vehicles randomly having their inventories wiped. Also had a Landrover replaced with a UAZ in the exact same location but the inventory was emptied. Sometimes vehicles are fully repaired for no explicable reason. As to finding vehicles, I'll go to stash a vehicle in the bush and find two new ones. Go stash those. Lose the first one, etc, etc. I have more vehicles than I feel like dealing with right now. Look in the thick woods. I don't know, I just seem to be lucky. I only stash them on the map, lose them as fast as I find them. I agree that they shouldn't be allowed off the map although I sometimes drive along the edge of the map.
  11. creamyblood

    US 88 Server Info and Discussion - EndDayZ

    Thanks for restoring the settings back to what is advertised. My cynical eye suspects that it was just a temporary oversight when an unannounced and completely unexpected server reboot occurred while I was driving down the freeway at a 110 km/h with a stolen land rover. Networks can be so unreliable sometimes. Thought I'd stick this here in case anyone was interested.
  12. creamyblood

    US 88 Server Info and Discussion - EndDayZ

    Your server actually has both 3rd person and crosshairs ON although the server description says different. Not sure why so many servers do that.