Hi Bobby, I am the server admin for UK237. I think you may have contacted me before. Server admins on DayZ don't get as many privileges as on other games. There are certain rules you are asked to follow. You are able to kick/ ban/ banip / global message / private message / server restarts. The normal stuff really. (here is the wiki page for the Rcon tool - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BattlEye ) Due to the nature of the game, if you want a public server and want to keep it "white listed" there are certain rules you have to follow which can be found on the forums. If you are wanting to ban someone for hacking, you are probably best to get some evidence together in case they start crying on the forums. Unfortunately your word alone doesn't seem to cut it. For private servers, I am pretty sure you can do as you please as they are disconnected from the Hive. I don't know much about private servers, but I am sure somebody can assist. Bobby / MrHappy - I believe I have found the hacker in question after getting some info from Bobby. Sorry this guy ruined your day. BattleEye has gotten better recently at kicking hackers, however as always it is not perfect. If you happen to play again on UK237 and see somebody hacking, please can you let me know. Providing player names / date / time / what happened. Also / screenshots / videos would help too. Also, in case you haven't noticed before, The stats on the server are tracked on GameTrackers.com with a leaderboard which is pretty cool for repeat visitors :) Thanks