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Everything posted by Avatar73

  1. is said to be buggy. Tents still don't work properly, duping due to vehicles and tents not being saved after changes is still possible. Well, I would like to quote Smack : :(
  2. And its a fact that the new patch will prevent duping? I would hate loosing stuff just for nothing. Especially since I didnt dupe anything.
  3. I vote strictly against yet another wipe, even if its only affecting vehicles. I found my favorite ride just a few days ago... :(
  4. Byr, could you check if pickup trucks got only 4 weapon slots in your DB? referring to wiki, they should have 10 like other vehicles.
  5. I guess with those new supposed PvP zones we will be all running around with bandit skins soon, at least those of us who survive...
  6. There are supposed to be some kind of anti-ddos scripts. EDIT: And even some software solutions depending on your server OS.
  7. ;) So 4-times the manpower to read applications lol I would volunteer to assist too btw ;)
  8. Always when you think there can't be a bigger dumbass in the world... ^_^ Byr, can't you contact DNZ clan leaders to talk any reason into those loosers or isnt the rest of the clan any better? If everything fails what about a new IP that isnt made public? Maybe even the password should only be sent via PM after some kind of application in the forum, like it is done for guilds in MMORPGs. Just a thought...
  9. Well, thats still DayZs main problem. My recommendation is some kind of trusted player list for our server, so everyone can decide to logoff or at least stay cautious if unknown users join the server. We just need a place to publish such a list.
  10. Complains like "Damn, I cant headshot Zeds in 3rd person view!!!11!!1! &!$# this server!" :P
  11. Well, a poll where every bypasser who isnt even on the server can vote isnt the best way to determine the best settings for the actual servers community ;) And werent the results for crosshairs even? Imho, crosshairs are really lame in a kinda "realistic" zombie survival game.
  12. Thanks, there arent many people who would even recognize it, so I am quite impressed :) And I agree with your statement and hope I will meet a bandit who robbed NVGs from a rich (well-equipped) player just to give it to a poor (noob) player like me lol. Seriously, that code of conduct would add a nice aspect of gameplay to the server if played by a fair and reasonable player. Unfortunetely all others will still do as they please until they get bored of causing havoc, get banned or move to other servers. But still, its better than on public servers where theres total anarchy ;) In fact, I am really curious how this system is working ingame, so expect me to roam the island on saturday night ;)
  13. As long as your server is "friendly", I am not going to leave :) Thanks for the pics, mate, but I still would like to know if bandits with guillie suits are disguised or not.
  14. Okay, dont know how that skin looks like yet, but that sounds like it may work. I am looking forward trying it out :) Was really missing the game and you guys for the past 2 weeks.
  15. How is this supposed to work? Without nametags and any model customization how can you tell who is a bandit and who is ally? At this moment, a bandit could just move into a medium sized group without being recognized, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, what would never be possible in real life. As long as following the above "rules of conduct" is kinda voluntary -as Bandits can always say it was a "special" situation where they had to shoot on sight- theres no point in not to shoot every unknown contact you encounter. I tried playing honorable on public servers several times and every time I had to pay the price for it.
  16. Will be back from vacation on saturday evening. Byr, now you own me an ATV and NVGs...